[HCDX]: RDXN 1598
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[HCDX]: RDXN 1598


via Cal de Messa n. 48 
I - 32036 Sedico Belluno - Italy 
e-mail: sadecian@xxxxxx
DXer from 1976. 
RX Conditions: 
City area: 
SDC, from  Sedico (BL) at  316 mt. a.s.l.  G.C. 46.06N / 12.05E 
RX : JRC NRD535D  + SPD1 EGZ  ANT: LPF1R EGZ + Windom 30 mt.

4824.4	0150-	7/10	PRU	OAX8S, R. La Voz de la Selva, Iquitos - Mx, nx, ID in S 	33222	SDC	
6725.6	0203-	7/10	PRU	OAX2L, R. Satélite, Santa Cruz - Slogan, mx, ID in S	33232 	SDC	
4790	0214-	7/10	PRU	OAX8F, R. Atlántida, Iquitos - Nxs e commenti, ID in S	22222	SDC	
6115	0225-	7/10	PRU	OBZ40, R. Unión, Lima - Nxs, mx locale e IDs in S	32222	SDC	
4945	0242-	7/10	BOL	CP7, R. Illimani, La Paz - Nxs e commenti, slogan, mx, IDs in S	23222	SDC	
2310	2030-	7/10	AUS	VL8A-ABC, Alice Springs - Nxs, mx, interviste, ID in E	33233	SDC	
2485	2035-	7/10	AUS	VL8K-ABC, Katherine - // 2310 kHz	23222	SDC	
2325	2042-2100	7/10	AUS	VL8T-ABC, Tennant Creek - // 2310 kHz	22222	SDC 	
15295.5	1305-1530 	9/10	EQA	HCJB Quito - Px religioso, mx, ID in S	23422	SDC 	
21550	1945-2015	9/10	CHL	R. Voz Cristiana, Santiago - Px mx, nxs,  IDs in S	35333	SDC	
5076.8	0500-	10/10	CLM	HJGC, CARACOL, Santafé de Bogotá - nxs,  IDs in S	45444	SDC	
4976	1645-1700	10/10	UGA	R. Uganda, Kampala - Parlato locale (HS), mx, ID in E	33232	SDC	
4965	1705-1735	10/10	ZMB	Christian Voice, Lusaka - Px mx locale ID in E	22322	SDC	
756	2003-2028	10/10	ROU	R. România Int., Lugoj - Nxs, mx, "1 novembre - giornata dell'ascoltatore" , ID in it, S/OFF	42332	SDC	
3945.2	2035-2050	10/10		R. Free London, pirata - Px mx, ID in E	32333	SDC	
4769.95	2052-	10/10	NIG	FRCN, Kaduna - Nxs, mx locale, ID in E	32432	SDC	
3290	2105-	10/10	NMB	Namibian BC, Windoeck -  Px mx, ID in E	22222	SDC	
4819.96	2120-2200	10/10	BOT	R. Botswana, Sebele - Px mx, ID in E, inno, S/OFF	34232	SDC	

Please diffuse, interchange and contribute with RadioDXNet (E-mail) and RadioramaOnWeb (WWW)! 
73's and Good DXing from Italy to everybody
Saverio De Cian & Francesco Clemente 


http://www.radiorama.it (RadioramaOnWeb DX Pages)
http://www.arpnet.it/~air/welcome.htm (traditional AIR pages)
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