[HCDX]: recent loggings: Bavaria; Sunrise Radio; Singapore
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[HCDX]: recent loggings: Bavaria; Sunrise Radio; Singapore

The bands are getting interesting here near Seattle.

6085 kHz   Bayern I -- I first noticed this station under Deutsche Welle's
0300 - 0400 North American English broadcast about a week ago.  Last night it
was moderately strong (S 10) with polar flutter 0200 - 0255 and little QRM,
playing old German pop music.  At 0255, there was an announcement, rising tones
(like what is put at the end of commercial audiocassettes), then a brief
interval-signal (tuba?) alternating with a man announcing "Bayern Ein".  The
station was still readable under DW's 0300 broadcast from Sackville, so strong
as to make DW's broadcast almost unlistenable.  At this moment (0343) they are
again in the clear, strong, with slight polar flutter.  When I lived in New York
state, I often tried for the German regional stations, but never heard them.

5850 kHz  Sunrise Radio -- 0600 - 0630  moderately strong, no QRM, some polar
flutter.  Pop-music DJ playing middle-eastern music  "7:20 and time to get your
buns to work . . .".  Jingles for "Radio 1458"

6015 kHz  Radio Singapore International -- 1315 - 1340 moderately strong, some
QRM from R Australia on 6020 but quite listenable, playing Indian music; news in
English at 1330.

These were heard with an NRD-535 and a 50-foot longwire antenna.

John MacDonald
Poulsbo, WA, USA
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