[HCDX]: Hauser's SW/DX Report 98-45
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[HCDX]: Hauser's SW/DX Report 98-45

        GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-45, October 15, 1998

[items for this and all our other reports may be reproduced and re-
reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all stages]

THIS WEEK ON WORLD OF RADIO 961. See topic summary at:

WORLD OF RADIO as timeshifted from Oct 25: on WWCR, Thu 2130 15685,
Sat 2330 5070, Sun 0730 & 1030 5070, Mon 0600 3210, Tue 1330 15685.
On WGTG, UT Sun 0030 on 5085-USB. On RFPI, no changes: Fri 2000,
Sat 0400, 1100v, 1800, Sun 0200, 0900, 2300, Mon 0700, Tue 1900,
Wed 0300 on some of: 6975, 15049, 21460-USB.

BRAZIL. Finally heard the new DX program Amigos do Radio on R.
Transmundial, Sat Oct 10 at 2345-2400 on 11705. Good signal but
fluttery, and low modulation made it hard to follow; there was
an item from me about WBCQ at 2347. BTW, Portuguese pronounces
"Q" as "kay" unlike most other languages. NHK Warudo via RCI
on 11705 conveniently held off until *0000 sharp with a crash 
start and then the two made a rumbling het, indicating Brazil 
slightly off frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL

CANADA [non]. Radio Asia Canada has disappeared; this should be
satisfying to our reporter Ernie Behr, who first exposed their
connections to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, considered
a terrorist organization in Sri Lanka. In UADX via BC-DX, Victor
Goonetilleke, a Sinhalese, says "Finally the LTTE showed its head
in their program. We were about to expose them to the German
government." Harold Sellers, Toronto, hard-core-dx, also notes 
their "frequencies empty, website not connecting, telephone number 
unanswered." Via hard-core-dx, Paul Ormandy, NZ, says RAC was last 
heard on 15245 around the end of September (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF 
RADIO 961)

However, a new frequency schedule had been registered via DTK,
Germany for B-98, which presumably will never go into effect if
RAC is truly finished:

9585   0100 0259 104 295 1234567 251098 280399 RAC
6125   0300 0459 104 295 1234567 251098 280399 RAC
6175   0500 0559 104 295 17      251098 280399 RAC
15470  1400 1600 208 090 1234567 251098 280399 RAC
11910  1600 1630 104 145 1234567 251098 280399 RAC
11835  1900 2059 107 295 17      251098 280399 RAC
13855  1900 2059 103 305 17      251098 280399 RAC
9800   2100 2130 112 240 1234567 251098 280399 RAC
9510   2100 2259 102 295 1234567 251098 280399 RAC
5905   2300 0059 104 295 1234567 251098 280399 RAC
(via Andreas Volk via Wolfgang Bueschel via Hauser; numbers in
fourth column are antenna designations)

If you are using my most recent info on Radio Minurca from Bangui 
kindly note that the plans to use 10400 kHz for a couple of days 
of testing are not likely to take place. The antenna for the 
station has been finetuned for 9900 kHz. So when the station goes 
on the air it will be on 9900 kHz. Best 73's (Stig Hartvig 
Nielsen, Denmark, Oct 12, WORLD OF RADIO 961)

COSTA RICA. Within the next few months, exact date not set, AWR
will discontinue SW from Cahuita, and move all SWBC to the
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Will continue producing programs at Alajuela
for their satellite network (Allen Graham, HCJB DX Partyline Oct
11 after a visit to CR in late September, via REVIEW OF 

CZECH REPUBLIC. While listening to Radio Prague this morning, Oct. 
13 at 0700 on 7345, they said that next week would be the last 
ever edition of the magazine show.  So it seems that their format 
change to current affairs, with short 7-minute feature programs, 
begins Oct 25.  I guess this means the end of one of my favourite 
programs, the Saturday concert.  What a tragedy! (Ivan Grishin, 

>From Oct. 25, R. Prague's daily half-hour in English will be
relayed by WRMI, 9955, at 0400 on the new North American antenna
beamed northwest (Jeff White, WRMI, WORLD OF RADIO 961)

ECUADOR. Quito has been under white alert for a long time, the
lowest level, due to the proximity of Pichincha volcano. Now the
alert status has gone up a step to yellow, and HCJB has been 
working on a contingency plan if it goes further up to orange,
with a possible eruption. Quito HQ is too far for lava to be a
problem, but ash would be a problem. It could damage anything
mechanical, ruin transmitters. If there is an orange alert, will
shut down AM and FM site which is on Pichincha itself, 2-3 miles
from the crater. Shortwave site at Pifo is far enough away not to
be in danger. But studios and offices in Quito would get ash; if
power is lost, could not use generators. Worst case scenario:
shut down Quito operation, put announcers at Pifo transmitter
site. If phone lines to transmitter lost, could use HF feed; 
heavy ash could disrupt VHF links. Language/service priorities
to get back on the air:

1) AM 690 in Spanish, but may also add English, German, Quechua
2) Local Quechua service
3) International English
4) International Spanish
5) Everything else (John Beck, HCJB DX Partyline Oct 11 via

GERMANY. Subject: High Adventure Winter Schedule
High Adventure Ministries broadcasts in English from Juelich, 
Germany, effective 25 October 1998 (winter schedule):

1330-1530 GMT to South Asia (as now) 15,715 KHz
1900-2059 GMT to Europe 5,975 KHz
2100-2259 GMT to Europe 6,000 KHz
Thanks for publicizing the changes! (Peter Darg, HAM, Oct 12 via

GERMANY. UN Radio was not yet heard on previously publicized
schedule effective Oct 12, upon several checks. But a new sked
via DTK starts Oct 25. Perhaps it will be active by then; 
Monday-Friday only:

11795  0400 0430 140 
11795  0500 0530 160 
11675  0600 0630 200 
5990   0600 0630 ND  
13800  1700 1730 145 
11840  1800 1830 160 
11735  1900 1930 200 
5970   1900 1930 ND  
6025   1900 1930 020 
6025   1900 1930 085 

(Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 961; sked from DTK via Andreas
Volk via Wolfgang Bueschel)

NIGERIA [non]. Checked WGTG 9400 Sat Oct 10 at 1930, and some
screaming gospel-huxter instead of S.N.B.S. so it finally
appears to have been cancelled as Hans Johnson suggested (Glenn
Hauser, OK)

SWITZERLAND. Swiss Radio International Final B 98 English:

0500-0530 6165 105 SEEu 100
0630-0700 6165 105 SEEu 100
0730-0800 9885 160 Af 100
          11860 200 Af 100
          13635 165 Af 500
0830-0900 9885 215 AuAs GUF 500
          13685 245 AuAs 500
1100-1130 9535 220 SWEu 100
1100-1200 9540 25 FE/SEAs SNG 250
          17815 80 FE/SEAs 500
1300-1330 9535 220 SWEu 100
1400-1500 9575 0 C&SAs SNG 250
          15185 80 C&SAs 500
1600-1615 9575 0 C&SAs SNG 250
          15185 80 C&SAs 500
2000-2030 6165 50 NEu 100
          9620 140 Af 500
          9885 160 Af 100
          11910 200 Af 100
          13700 115 Af GUF 500
0100-0130 9885 295 C&NAm 500
          9905 310 C&NAm GUF 500
0400-0500 9885 295 C&NAm 500
          9905 310 C&NAm GUF 500
(Swisscom B-98 sked extracted by gh: whilst the Juelich site
is not specified, it's the 100 kW transmitter, and the 500 is
Sottens, Switzerland, unless indidated as GUF = French Guiana;

U S A. Altho KIRO Seattle has been reported on 25950, when I 
checked the frequency around 2330-2400 Oct 7, I was getting "94-7, 
NRK" from Portland OR which was already using the frequency. 
Perhaps they are far enough apart not to bother each other on 
groundwave, but on lengthy skip it could be a problem, and cause 
for confusion (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 961)

U S A. WRNO is probably the most incompetent operation on SW. On
Sat night, Oct 3, noticed a distorted mess on 7355 0000-0300 UT 
Oct 4; two programs mixed together at the same time, one of them
a ball game. This happens quite often, especially on weekends. 
The operator on duty must have been drunk or asleep. I wish the
FCC would crack down on WRNO and put a stop to this nonsense 
(Ernie Behr, Kenora, Ont., Oct 5, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL 

ZANZIBAR. RTZ, 11734.11, Oct 3 2045-2100* Swahili talk, 
indigenous music with Mid-east flair. S/off with national anthem.
Fair but must use ECSS-LSB to avoid slop from 11735. Noticed
lately they have been running one hour past their usual 2000
sign-off (Brian Alexander, PA, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL 
BROADCASTING)                                                ###

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