[HCDX]: Req RAI URG addr.
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[HCDX]: Req RAI URG addr.
1) I'd like to know the mailing address of RAI in Montevideo (producing the Aqui Roma program transmitted via Oriental/Monte Carlo). I've seen that address somewhere, but can't find it at the moment.
Btw, according to their announcement this program is transmitted at
2200 UTC on 11735 kHz R Oriental
0200 UTC on 9595 kHz R Monte Carlo
1400 UTC on 6140 kHz R Monte Carlo
(heard them with good signal Oct. 6th at 2205 on 11735).
2) About the Indonesian tunes. The song Love Ambon, is it the western name for this song or is it also known in Indonesia by that name? RRI Serui seems to be one of the RRI stations using this song during s/off announcement.
3) Well, one more question. Oct. 7th at 1459 UTC just prior to the Jakarta WB on 3985.7 kHz I heard pretty clear ID as RRI Surabaya. Not listed in the WRTH-98, but I believe it has been here for some time now. Any idea if it is sharing the frequency with other RRI station (listed Manokwari)?
73's and thanks
Jari Savolainen
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