Re: [HCDX]: Poland on 1503 kHz
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Re: [HCDX]: Poland on 1503 kHz
At 12.14 18.10.1998 +0800, you wrote:
>Martin Elbe wrote:
>> Other Nordic DX-ers may be better informed than me, but it seems
>> that 1503 is leased to a.o. Norea Radio who produces religious
>> programming in Scandinavian (and possibly other) languages. I
>> don't know if 1503 is used for domestic programming.
>>Used in the evenings for an hour or two only. Close-down is certainly too
>>early for transatlantic reception. No more domestic programming from Poland
>>on MW.
>In fact Norea Radio *has* been heard in North America on 1503 kHz ... I
>heard it from 1910-1916 UTC on 14 October with SINPO 34443 during the
>recent Newfoundland DXpedition.
>Best wishes.....Jean Burnell, St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
Acc. to WWDXC Top News they relay TWR/Norea R Finnish, Norwegian,
Lithuanian and Swedish at 1930-21 UT.
73, Mauno
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