Re: [HCDX]: Req RAI URG addr.
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Re: [HCDX]: Req RAI URG addr.
Addr is:
RAI-Representacion para las Americas, Oficina de Montevideo,Av. 18 de Julio
1044, 11100 Montevideo, URUGUAY.
If you have a rcpn rpt for them via Montecarlo/Oriental I suggest you send
it directly to the stn and addressed to Director Tecnico, Sr. Alexi Haisaniuk.
Horacio A. Nigro,
Montevideo, Uruguay
At 07:58 PM 18/10/1998 +0300, you wrote:
>1) I'd like to know the mailing address of RAI in Montevideo (producing the
Aqui Roma program transmitted via Oriental/Monte Carlo). I've seen that
address somewhere, but can't find it at the moment.
>Btw, according to their announcement this program is transmitted at
>2200 UTC on 11735 kHz R Oriental
>0200 UTC on 9595 kHz R Monte Carlo
>1400 UTC on 6140 kHz R Monte Carlo
>(heard them with good signal Oct. 6th at 2205 on 11735).
>Jari Savolainen
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