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I have corrected the URL for the webpage on the item below as follows. My

URUGUAY: Radio Carve's 70th anniversary stamp issued.

CX16 Radio Carve, Montevideo is one of the most important Uruguayan BC stns.
It was founded on Oct 12,1928. It broadcasts nowadays only on MW 850, but
used to  broadcast also on SW with callsign CXA13 on 6155 until it was
ceased more than a decade ago. On Oct 10 the Uruguayan Postal Administration
issued a commemorative stamp celebrating the 70th anniversary of the
station. It depicts the station's anniversary logo, the front of its
studio's building and a microphone used by the station.
I have posted a webpage on this at
<http://members.tripod.com/~hanigro/Carve.htm> (case sensitive!), with a
facsimil of the stamp, stn's logo and a RealAudio file with the station ID
when it also used the 49m channel. There you can drop me an E-mail mssg if
you are interested in getting the stamp and/or the First Day Cover. Send a
self addressed envelope and 2 IRC to get one stamp, plus 1 IRC for each
additional stamp. 3 IRC for the FDC with the stamp with the first day
cancellation, to Horacio A. Nigro, Canelones 1146, 11100 Montevideo,
Uruguay. I will airmail the requested items to your QTH. (Nigro-Uruguay, Oct 17)


73 de Horacio Nigro
Montevideo, Uruguay
Horacio A. Nigro,

Canelones 1146,
11100 Montevideo,
E-mail: <hanigro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
ICQ   :  10230808
WWW: http://members.tripod.com/~hanigro
This is a message from "Horacio A. Nigro" <hanigro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe hard-core-dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
For more information, please check http://www.iki.fi/rko/hard-core-dx/
or email Risto Kotalampi, risto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx