[HCDX]: CBM 940 signing off?
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[HCDX]: CBM 940 signing off?
What about CBM and its French Language Counterpart. (I forgot the
calls) When are they signing off?
> I have heard from reliable sources that CBL 740 won't be signing off
> as we had expected Oct. 20.
> They say they will publicize their plans to listeners, so folks will
> know in advance when 740 will sign off. This has not yet occurred.
> I have no idea what's in store for Montreal.
> So, I guess we'll have to stay tuned.
> BTW... did anyone hear the DX tests this past Monday morning? I
> thought I heard four beep tones on 1100 but aside from that nothing
> on 600 and 1100 AM.
> Saul Chernos
> Toronto ON
Bill Harms
Elkridge, Maryland, USA
Bill's Ultimate TIS Digest
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