[HCDX]: TFW 70 3/3
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[HCDX]: TFW 70 3/3

THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE  - Copyright 1998  Part  3
Year   3   Number  70  - Rome, 21 Oct. 1998


CLANDESTINE, GEORGIA - Republic of Abkhazia R., not a QSL yet, but my
registered air-reply card came back after being in transit since July
7th,  with my rpt sent last December 1997. So there's still some hope
yet. (E.Kusalik-CAN via NU 1495 / CRW # 15)

SOUTHAFRICA - AWR relay via Meyeton on 9745, QSL card with special
stamp, religious material, personal letter, V/s E.Gysin-Ruf, listener
mail dept, in 56 days, QTH: P.O.Box 383, IT - 47100, Forli, Italy.
(V.Korinek, South Africa /Play DX # 996) 

TURKMENISTAN - Turkmen Radio on 5015, in 120 days for 1 IRC, V/s
K.Karen, chief technical dept. (J.Adolph, Germany / Eastside DX 1
Bulletin, Germany /Play DX # 996) 

UNITED KINGDOM - NHK relay Skelton on 11710, QSL in 20 days, QTH in
Tokyo, Japan. (J.Adolph, Germany / Eastside DX 1 Bulletin, Germany /Play
DX # 996) 

UNITED KINGDOM - Merlin Network One on 9795 - 13690 & 15565, "Global
Radio Festival 14 - 15 August 98", QSL, schedule in 7 days. QTH: Merlin
Communications International plc, P.O.Box One, 20 Lincoln's Inn Fields,
London WC2A - 3ES, United Kingdom (G.Nadali, Italy /Play DX # 996) 

UNITED KINGDOM - Merlin Network One on 11985, personal letter V/s
Michelle Franks, assistant, scheduling and frequency management, in 14
days, report to Merlin Communications c/o Bush House, Strand WC1,
London, United Kingdom (V.Korinek, South Africa  /Play DX # 996) 

UNITED KINGDOM - Radio London "Big L" via Merlin Network One "Global
Radio Festival 14 - 15 August 1998" on 6015 - 9825 & 15200, QSL Summer
97, letter, merchandiship catalogue in 7 days for 1 IRC, V/s Ray
Anderson, QTH: East Anglian Productions, Studio House, 21 - 23, Walton
Road, Frinton on Sea, Essex, CO13 - OAA (G.Nadali, Italy  /Play DX #

UZBEKISTAN - R.Tashkent on 5035, QSL, schedule German section in 20
days. (J.Adolph, Germany / Eastside DX 1 Bulletin, Germany /Play DX #

ZAMBIA - ZNBC on 4910, QSL in 35 days for 1 IRC. (At present it is
operating on 6265 kHz) (J.Adolph, Germany / Eastside DX 1 Bulletin,
Germany /Play DX # 996) 


BRAZIL - Finally heard the new DX program Amigos do Radio on R.
Transmundial, Sat Oct 10 at 2345-2400 on 11705. Good signal but
fluttery, and low modulation made it hard to follow; there was an item
from me about WBCQ at 2347. BTW, Portuguese pronounces "Q" as "kay"
unlike most other languages. NHK Warudo via RCI on 11705 conveniently
held off until *0000 sharp with a crash  start and then the two made a
rumbling het, indicating Brazil  slightly off frequency (Glenn Hauser,
October 15)

CANADA - [non]. Radio Asia Canada has disappeared; this should be
satisfying to our reporter Ernie Behr, who first exposed their
connections to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, considered a
terrorist organization in Sri Lanka. In UADX via BC-DX, Victor
Goonetilleke, a Sinhalese, says "Finally the LTTE showed its head in
their program. We were about to expose them to the German government."
Harold Sellers, Toronto, hard-core-dx, also notes their "frequencies
empty, website not connecting, telephone number unanswered." Via
hard-core-dx, Paul Ormandy, NZ, says RAC was last heard on 15245 around
the end of September (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 961/ GH SHORTWAVE/DX
REPORT 98-45, October 15)

CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC- Subject: Radio Minurca If you are using my
most recent info on Radio Minurca from Bangui kindly note that the plans
to use 10400 kHz for a couple of days of testing are not likely to take
place. The antenna for the station has been finetuned for 9900 kHz. So
when the station goes on the air it will be on 9900 kHz. Best 73's (Stig
Hartvig Nielsen, Denmark, Oct 12, WORLD OF RADIO 961/ GH SHORTWAVE/DX
REPORT 98-45, October 15)

CLANDESTINE - Re : Afghanistan Logs (CRW 014) -- I noticed that you
still treat the Taleban controlled R Afghanistan 7199/7084 as
clandestine  operations. I tend to agree with you because only Pakistan
& Saudi Arabia have recognised the Taleban govt. I could hear 7084v 1230
- 1330/1345v but you need a very sensitive receiver and a sharp ear to
detect the signals. I know Kabul is on the air 7199v from the strong het
in the mornings but very difficult to separate it from VOA on 7200.
(S.N.Weerakoon-Sri Lanka Oct 8 for CRW # 15)

COSTA RICA - Within the next few months, exact date not set, AWR will
discontinue SW from Cahuita, and move all SWBC to the DOMINICAN
REPUBLIC. Will continue producing programs at Alajuela for their
satellite network (Allen Graham, HCJB DX Partyline Oct 11 after a visit
SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-45, October 15)

CZECH REPUBLIC - While listening to Radio Prague this morning, Oct. 13
at 0700 on 7345, they said that next week would be the last ever edition
of the magazine show.  So it seems that their format change to current
affairs, with short 7-minute feature programs, begins Oct 25. I guess
this means the end of one of my favourite programs, the Saturday
concert. What a tragedy! (Ivan Grishin, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL

CZECH REPUBLIC - From Oct. 25, R. Prague's daily half-hour in English
will be relayed by WRMI, 9955, at 0400 on the new North American antenna
beamed northwest (Jeff White, WRMI, WORLD OF RADIO 961/ GH SHORTWAVE/DX
REPORT 98-45, October 15)

ECUADOR - Quito has been under white alert for a long time, the lowest
level, due to the proximity of Pichincha volcano. Now the alert status
has gone up a step to yellow, and HCJB has been working on a contingency
plan if it goes further up to orange, with a possible eruption. Quito HQ
is too far for lava to be a problem, but ash would be a problem. It
could damage anything mechanical, ruin transmitters. If there is an
orange alert, will shut down AM and FM site which is on Pichincha
itself, 2-3 miles from the crater. Shortwave site at Pifo is far enough
away not to be in danger. But studios and offices in Quito would get
ash; if power is lost, could not use generators. Worst case scenario:
shut down Quito operation, put announcers at Pifo transmitter site. If
phone lines to transmitter lost, could use HF feed; heavy ash could
disrupt VHF links. Language/service priorities to get back on the air: 
1) AM 690 in Spanish, but may also add English, German, Quechua  2)
Local Quechua service  3) International English  4) International
Spanish  5) Everything else (John Beck, HCJB DX Partyline Oct 11 via
October 15)

GERMANY - Subject: High Adventure Winter Schedule High Adventure
Ministries broadcasts in English from Juelich, Germany, effective 25
October  1998 (winter schedule):  1330-1530 GMT to South Asia (as now)
15,715 Khz  --- 1900-2059 GMT to Europe 5,975 Khz --- 2100-2259 GMT to
Europe 6,000 Khz. Thanks for publicizing the changes! (Peter Darg, HAM,
98-45, October 15)

GERMANY - UN Radio was not yet heard on previously publicized schedule
effective Oct 12, upon several checks. But a new sked via DTK starts Oct
25. Perhaps it will be active by then; Monday-Friday only:  11795  0400
0430 140 --- 11795  0500 0530 160 --- 11675  0600 0630 200 --- 5990  
0600 0630 ND  --- 13800  1700 1730 145 --- 11840  1800 1830 160 ---
11735  1900 1930 200 --- 5970   1900 1930 ND  --- 6025   1900 1930 020
--- 6025   1900 1930 085. (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF RADIO 961; sked from
DTK via Andreas Volk via Wolfgang Bueschel / GH SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT
98-45, October 15)

NIGERIA - [non]. Checked WGTG 9400 Sat Oct 10 at 1930, and some
screaming gospel-huxter instead of S.N.B.S. so it finally appears to
have been cancelled as Hans Johnson suggested (Glenn Hauser, OK / GH
SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-45, October 15)

PIRATE EUROPE - IMR is now coming on air with regular programs on the
51mB and will closedown activity herewith on 76mB!!! After some 
technical work in the studio of IMR, the transmitting system is now 100%
ready to rock & roll the 51mB without any problem. The antenna was tuned
to a wonderful SWR of 1:1 - even when using maximum power of 200 Watts
in SSB. IMR is now to hear with shows mostly in evening-times/nights on
the folowing favorite frequenzy: IMR on 51mB in USB at   5815 khz.
Future plans/programs within the week: no special day- look out evenings
around 19h UTC!!! Please let me know about the receiption quality!!!!
You can not contact IMR via email, because a technical error in
receiving emails! But, you can send reports by Fax: ( 0049 ) ( 0
)7621-64259, 24h Fax standby!!! Or phone direct into the studio: ( 0049
) ( 0 )171-755-27-15 !!! mail: IMR, Box 1951, 79554 Weil am Rhein,
Germany (from DJ Yves, IMR Radio / Radiorama Pirate News October # 3)

TANZANIA, ZANZIBAR - RTZ, 11734.11, Oct 3 2045-2100* Swahili talk,
indigenous music with Mid-east flair. S/off with national anthem. Fair
but must use ECSS-LSB to avoid slop from 11735. Noticed lately they have
been running one hour past their usual 2000 sign-off (Brian Alexander,
October 15)

UNITED KINGDOM - BBC Italian Service 60th Anniversary celebrated by
Waveguide, the media programme of the BBC World Service. Also if the
Italian Service was closed down on Dec.31st, 1981 there are still a
number of listeners who remember the old good times when the programme
was in. This month Waveguide interviews with Luigi Cobisi
(luigi.cobisi@xxxxxx) and the last editor of the Italian Service Ms.
Luigia Vallentine revive the programme along with an appeal to all
Italian speaking listeners to contact Luigi if they still listen to the
BBC or have any remembers about the Italian Service. The appeal will be
read both in Italian and English, so the BBC is actually to broadcast
some seconds in Italian again.  Waveguide schedule reads as follows:  To
America, Europe, North Africa e Middle East Thursday 22 october  0545
and 1130 UTC repeat on Friday  23 october 0915 UTC, QRG 12095,  9410,
648kHz To Africa Sunday 18 october  1515 UTC and wednesday 21 october 
0730 UTC, QRG 17640, 11940kHz; To Asia Tuesday 20 october 0030 UTC and
thursday 22 october 0730 and 2115 UTC and Friday 23 october  0345 UTC,
QRG 15310kHz; Try also all other BBC WS QRG's (http://www.bbc.co.uk).
Reception reports and reactions can also be addressed to:  FLORENCE DX,
P.O.BOX 6540, 50127 FIRENZE, Italy. (Luigi Cobisi, Italy)

URUGUAY - Radio Carve's 70th anniversary stamp issued. CX16 Radio Carve,
Montevideo is one of the most important Uruguayan BC stns. It was
founded on Oct 12,1928. It broadcasts nowadays only on MW 850, but used
to  broadcast also on SW with callsign CXA13 on 6155 until it was ceased
more than a decade ago. On Oct 10 the Uruguayan Postal Administration
issued a commemorative stamp celebrating the 70th anniversary of the
station. It depicts the station's anniversary logo, the front of its
studio's building and a microphone used by the station. I have posted a
webpage on this at <http://members.tripod.com/~hanigro/Carve.htm> (case
sensitive!), with a facsimil of the stamp, stn's logo and a RealAudio
file with the station ID when it also used the 49m channel. There you
can drop me an E-mail mssg if you are interested in getting the stamp
and/or the First Day Cover. Send a self addressed envelope and 2 IRC to
get one stamp, plus 1 IRC for each additional stamp. 3 IRC for the FDC
with the stamp with the first day cancellation, to Horacio A. Nigro,
Canelones 1146, 11100 Montevideo, Uruguay. I will airmail the requested
items to your QTH. (Nigro-Uruguay, Oct 17)

USA - Altho KIRO Seattle has been reported on 25950, when I checked the
frequency around 2330-2400 Oct 7, I was getting "94-7, NRK" from
Portland OR which was already using the frequency. Perhaps they are far
enough apart not to bother each other on groundwave, but on lengthy skip
it could be a problem, and cause for confusion (Glenn Hauser, WORLD OF
RADIO 961 / GH SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-45, October 15)

USA - WRNO is probably the most incompetent operation on SW. On Sat
night, Oct 3, noticed a distorted mess on 7355 0000-0300 UT Oct 4; two
programs mixed together at the same time, one of them a ball game. This
happens quite often, especially on weekends. The operator on duty must
have been drunk or asleep. I wish the FCC would crack down on WRNO and
put a stop to this nonsense (Ernie Behr, Kenora, Ont., Oct 5, REVIEW OF

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