[HCDX]: Hauser's SW/DX 98-47
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[HCDX]: Hauser's SW/DX 98-47

        GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-47, Oct 26, 1998

{Items from this and all our other reports may be reproduced and
re-reproduced ONLY providing full credit be maintained at all

ANGUILLA/CANADA. Caribbean Beacon is back with nonstop Dr. Gene
Scott programming after having been blown off by H. Georges, and
it ruins RCI's new First Edition at 0600, also on 6090, the two
mixing about equally here Oct 27, whilst RCI's only other 
Sackville frequency for this, 9760, was weak and splashed. C.B.
also at 1155 check in the clear on 11775 with music //KAIJ 5810
but not to WWCR 5935 which must have been playing a tape rather
than satellite feed (Glenn Hauser, OK)

BELGIUM [non]. RVI's new relay via RN Bonaire checked on first
day, Oct 25 at 2230 on 13670. Signal was far better than 15545
direct at 1230 used to be, but not as strong and solid as one
would expect. Radio World started immediately at 2230 rather
than news first, over by 2238 with P O Box 26 (to be changed
with new address), and music fill to 2300 Dutch. Tnx to Eugene
and Frans for giving the new WOR on WWCR sked accurately 
(Glenn Hauser, OK)

CANADA [non?]. My friend Francois Michaud of Longueuil, 
Quebec contacted me this morning. He has been looking into the 
Radio Asia Canada situation for several months now. Both he and I 
wrote letters to various government departments inquiring whether 
or not they were aware of the Radio Asia Canada station, and 
their use of the name "Radio Voice of Canada" and their possible 
link to the Tigers. We did receive cordial replies, but they 
didn't say much. But it was not long after that the station 
seemed to disappear, their phone lines disconnected and their 
website shut down. Any connection?

Earlier today, Francois called me to take a look on the Internet 
at an interesting site; http://www.tamilnation.org   This takes 
you to links and websites, one category dealing with radio. One 
in particular leads you to: http://www.ctbc.com  This is a group 
called Canadian Tamil Broadcasting Corporation. They seem to be 
located in Toronto, with telephone & fax numbers, plus e-mail 
(ctbc@xxxxxxxx). There is a listener comment section also, with 
comments from Norway, Thailand, Malaysia, Australia, etc. plus 
many others. This service appears to operate a 24 hour a day 
broadcast on the Internet. Are they connected in any way with the 
Radio Asia Canada people? We don't know. There are also a few 
other radio references on the site to browse through as well. 
They seem to be very well organized. All most interesting.
(Sheldon Harvey, Quebec, Oct 23, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL

CZECH REPUBLIC [non]. Sorry, everyone, but the new 
WRMI relay is a farce, as expected. UT Mon Oct 26 at 0401,
WRMI 9955 had fair strength, but the Cuban jammers were at
least equal, often overpowering. One might understand 67% of
R. Prague if one wanted to put up with the noise, but why
should we? Free advice for WRMI and R. Prague: it's time to
try a new frequency, and see if the Cubans ruin it too. The
new frequency, however inconvenient it may be for WRMI, 
should not have been used before, and should never carry any
Cuban exile programming, or to be safe, not anything in
Spanish at all (Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL

CZECH REP. Radio Prague in Eng. with an excellent signal on 21745 
1400-1430.  This was the last day of their old programming format, 
including the final "Media Czech". (Ivan Grishin, Ont., Oct 25,

ECUADOR. Regarding my remark in the previous Report, Don Moore
assures me that although he may have read my article on 
harmonics years ago, his DX Partyline talk about the subject
was not plagiarized, but based on something he wrote from his
own knowledge a few years ago (Glenn Hauser)

FRANCE [non]. While 15530 was weak on Sunday at 1200 in English,
it was quite strong on Tue Oct 27, coming on late at 1202, so I
now agree with Mike Cooper and George Thurman that this is still
French Guiana, ex-13625. Spanish on 15515 also came on late at
*1201 //13640, all equally strong from RFI. At 1250 RFI announced 
the only frequency changes concerning English: 1200 Carib/ENAm
15530 ex-22m; 1400 SEAs 12030 ex-19m; 1400 India 12030 ex-19m;
1600 CAf 15530 ex-16mb; the rest unchanged (Glenn Hauser, OK)

PERU. 5760.2 RADIO SOROCUCHO. 1015-1050 Oct. 25. New station from 
Sorocucho, Provincia de Celendin, Departamento de Cajamarca. 
Noted nominal frequency 5305 Khz, maybe that station is the one
reported by TIN. Address not heard, poor signal after 1100 
(Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogota, Colombia, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL

PERU. 6674.8 RADIO IMPACTO. 1120-1200 Oct. 25 Reactivated freq. 
with new name Radio Impacto, ex- Radio Ondas del Rio Maranon. QTH 
is Jiron Amazonas No. 315 in Aramango, Pvcia de Bagua, Dpto de 
Amazonas, Peru. Pgm: Variando los exitos. "...en los 6675 Khz 
banda internacional de 49 metros." (Rafael Rodriguez R., Bogota, 

ST. HELENA [non]. R. Eurogeek, pirate, was indeed on 11092.5
before R. St. Helena, Sat Oct 24, already in progress at tune-in
1759, with a strong, steady signal RSH would envy. Chuck Putz 
lamented that this might be his last broadcast too as he was
having to sell the station, which hadn't been on the air since
one year ago. Went on and on in presumed put-on of the station's
sad situation. Had phony Marie Lamb greeting, references to Free
Radio Weekly; QSL drop Providence; 1838 played Eurogeek Anthem
which was a combination of France, Germany, Netherlands, Italy?
But this wasn't the end; followed with "Mike Tyson" and ad for
Liszt-Lager Lite [get it?], finally off at 1850* in plenty of 
time clear for RSH. Also made brief appearance after RSH at 2319
but Eurogeek barely audible then (Glenn Hauser, OK)

ST. HELENA. We dutifully kept tuned to 11092.5 USB, which 
Eurogeek had so kindly pinpointed for us, but there was no trace 
of RSH here from 1900 until the first bits of it started to 
appear at about 2000 Oct 24. Signal gradually increased until 
music and occasional words were audible at 2039 when I started 
taping, and may eventually get around to listening to. Did listen 
to the extension after 2304 when my tape ran out: 2307 ID, and 
plug for C&W plc; various goodbyes, finally 2318 GSTQ and off. 
During the final half-hour or so the signal strength dropped off 
a bit (Glenn Hauser, OK)

U K O G B A N I [non]. BBC WS new 6185 relay at 0200 confirmed,
after 9590 closed abruptly just before; signal at 0313 check Oct
26 was mixing badly with R. Educacion, a loss for both stations.
Deliberate usage of this frequency from the US while it is 
already used by Mexico is an example of extreme incompetence in
frequency management and a blatant example of American 
imperialism (Glenn Hauser, OK)

U K O G B A N I [non]. Merlin Network One's new B-98 schedule 
includes 11755 at 2000-2200 to Europe--this coincides with the 
"BBC WS" frequency as listed in the RCI Sackville relay schedule 
we previously publicized; so RCI thought it was to be BBC. At 
2000 Oct 25 we heard dead air, then jazz at first thought to be 
music fill at Sackville due to feed failure, but probably really 
MNO programming. Joe Hanlon confirms 21550 clashing with Chile at 
1300, and 17630 with Gabon at 1230 on Sunday morning so MNO 
ignored our warnings that this would happen. This sked is closer 
to the one from Contact we published weeks ago, rather than the 
interim sked for the past week (Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF 

UNITED NATIONS. Still no sign of UN Radio via Germany as the
skeds keep showing, e.g. Mon Oct 26 1900 on 11735, nothing but 
the weak Zanzibar carrier around 11734 (Glenn Hauser, OK)

U S A. Check out 7415 at 0300 when VOA is interfering with WBCQ
(George Thurman, TX, Oct 27) Indeed VOA is back on this channel
it had been using seasonally long before it became the only
outlet for the new WBCQ. But this clash should have been avoided
by coordination -- wake up, frequency managers! VOA was way on
top of WBCQ here at 0300, but by 0430 WBCQ had the advantage,
-- this can't go on. On the other hand, it makes William Cooper
four nights a week even more unlistenable than usual, so there's
a silver lining (Glenn Hauser, OK)

U S A. World Harvest Radio blew away the first airing of the only
program worth listening to on their entire schedule, DXing with
Cumbre, UT Sat Oct 24 at 0230 on KWHR 17510; instead, a station-
produced infomercial already in progress continued, "Making
Healthy Choices" for a product called Mineral Rich, so US SW
radio reaches a new low. A new edition of DWC did appear at
0500 on 5745, 7315 (Glenn Hauser, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL
BROADCASTING)                                            ###

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