[HCDX]: LOGS 4-11-98
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[HCDX]: LOGS 4-11-98

Logs for yesterday 4- 11 ¯98 

UK, 3965, R Merlin Network, 1856, jingles and self adverts (telephone, address and web 
page. Sudden change of transmission to RFI France or complete wipeout by RFI at 1900 (no 
whistles due to co channel QRM) Signal  was 44444 Liangas Nov 4 Retziki Greece 

Cland, 6205, R Kudirat, 1930 with jingle R Kudirat, man with ID apologizing that die to 
tech problems normal programming is suspended, and blaming the Nigerian government. Song 
follows. Same format over transmission. (song , jingle ID , man) . Signal 44423 with fast 
fading Liangas Nov 4 Retziki Greece

INDONESIA, 4777, RRI Jakarta (t) 2041 Indonesian pop songs. Signal 22342 with carriers on 
4774.9 and 4778..Strong RTTY carrier on 4777 on 2100. First time logged Liangas Nov 4 
Retziki Greece

RUSSIA NF, 3345, R Mayak, 2056, songs then at 2100 with ID and news in Russian Signal 
with carrier + USB 34433 Liangas Nov 4 Retziki Greece

SAO TOME 4950 seems to have extended transmission times with French programming on 2123 
tune in, 2130* , 34333 Also heard at1830 also with French program 

Below there is  a list with Chinese stations logged on the 60mb at2200-2220 

4460 	CNR1 		good 
4630 	??		good 	NF 
4840 	Heilongjiang 	marginal 
4850	CNR 1 		poor ¯
4865	Gangsu 		good
4900 	Haixia 		good 
4975 	Fujian 	 	marginal
4990	Hunan 		marginal 
5075	CPBS#2 	poor-fair
5030	CPBS 		poor-fair  ID at 2222		
(Liangas logs 4/11/98 2200-2220 ) 

Zacharias Liangas		pen-DX sejak 72
anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, DSWCI #3507(temporarily out) 
pesawat penerima : Lowe HF 150 , SONY IFC 7600 D ,Yupiteru MVT7100scanner(NEW),  Philips 2935 antena 6 m & 11 m 
accesories: handmade ATU,MFJ 1040 preselector,MFJ1025 noise canceller , MFJ 752c filter audio ,  MFJ16010 ATU 
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