[HCDX]: XERF-1570
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[HCDX]: XERF-1570

Hi everyone:

I logged XERF-1570-Mexico tonight from NW Oregon, USA. The station is
very hard to hear as there are two strong Canadians on 1570 khz. The
last time I heard them was close to 20 years ago. At the time I sent a
report in SS, but never received a reply. My question is, should I send
my report in SS or EE? the station used to be a 250 KW powerhouse in the
60s in EE. Today they run 50 KW from Cd. Acuna in SS. I also have a set
or two of XE stamps, so that should work OK for return postage I would
think. Send US $1  probably isn't a good idea. Maybe someone out there
has recently QSL'd them. Any help would be appreciated, as I don't hear
many Mexican or Latin MW stations here.
73s, Patrick Martin
Seaside, OR  USA
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