[HCDX]: Hauser's SW/DX Report 98-49
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[HCDX]: Hauser's SW/DX Report 98-49

        GLENN HAUSER'S SW/DX REPORT 98-49, November 10, 1998

BELGIUM. I, too, noticed absence of news at the start of RVI 
broadcasts [only via Bonaire 2230 on 13670]. Instead, the news 
block is replaced with a five-minute feature, which is followed 
by the press review. I always admired Belgium's decision to 
broadcast Belgian news in its newscasts, instead of covering the 
world and stories readily available elsewhere, so I am 
particularly disappointed at this substitution. At least the 
frequency is well received, and with better modulation than the 
old direct frequencies. (Mike Cooper, Atlanta, Nov 5, REVIEW OF 

BHUTAN [non]. WORLD OF RADIO 966 will be a special edition for 
the 25th anniversary this month of the Bhutan Broadcasting 
Service (originally Radio NYAB), with a Wavescan special from 
Adrian Peterson, AWR. Includes history of the station and its 
belated discovery by the DX world, background on the country, 
versions of the national anthem and other music, current schedule, 
and where to see Bhutanese architecture in the USA. Release dates:
Nov 19 on WWCR, Nov 20 on WRN, RFPI, Nov 21 on WGTG, Nov 22 on
KNOR/KOKC, Nov 28 on WPKN, Nov 29 on WSUI. We do not offer QSLs 
for WOR, but Wavescan will QSL this edition only, from Box 29235,
Indianapolis IN 46229. For the latest details of WOR scheduling 
see http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio (Glenn Hauser, WOR)

HONDURAS. Checking for SW activity from this disaster area Nov 6
around 1215, found mostly music and weak signals on 3250 and
4930.6, but La Voz Evangelica, 4819.1, was on and holding up
past 1230, mixing music with comunicados, people trying to get
in contact with each other, and mundane matters such as birthday
greetings. Lacking any genuine news-oriented SW station, let
alone an external service, this is the frequency to watch. (Glenn
Hauser, OK)

HONDURAS. Monday morning check Nov 9 found only open carrier on
4819.1, presumably La Voz Evangelica, Tegucigalpa; but 4930 R.
Internacional had some music and ads. Ditto Tue Nov 10: and it 
sounded business as usual on San Pedro Sula's SW station, despite
the disaster: Christian/alabanza songs, local ads and 3-minute-
fast time checks; never heard a "R. Internacional" ID, just at
1226 "Con Ustedes, 12-20," their MW frequency; 1230 another ad
string, including 1233 Mayacable Television, 1235 ID "Con 
Ustedes, 1,220..." (Glenn Hauser, OK)

HUNGARY. Not sure if it has been reported elsewhere, but I came 
across what I believe to be the first use of the 11 meter band 
[this sunspot cycle], Radio Budapest can be heard in Hungarian on 
25700 // with 21560 13 meters from 11:00 - 12:00 UTC (presumably 
beamed as Australia). (Ray Woodward, British DX Club Nov 5 via
Hauser) Did he actually hear it, or refer to schedule? (Hauser)

NEW ZEALAND. RNZI continues to use 11905 0500-0706. On Nov 5, I 
heard them there from 0500 to 0600. When I tuned back at 0640, 
they were gone and I didn't find them on 9700, 17675, or anywhere 
else I scanned. They did sign-on 9700 at 0706 as usual. (Ivan 

NEW ZEALAND. [Re: Ivan Grishin's report]  Correct -  11905 did 
happen but only because of a computer programming error!! An old 
file got back into the system. However we will return to 11905 
next May to Sep. (Adrian Sainsbury, RNZI, Nov 7 via Paul Ormandy)

NICARAGUA. This country's only SW station, R. Miskut on 5770-
USB, appeared to be active when checked Nov 6 at 1229 with music
but near fade-out. I doubt they're in a position to cover news
from the interior, but it's all we've got (Glenn Hauser, OK)

U K O G B A N I. One of the BBCWS Meridian Features in November
is about their theme music "Lilliburlero" but BBC On Air does
not say which week. I asked BBC and they say it will be the week
of Nov 21:

Americas/Europe:  Saturday 0630 and 2130; Monday 0230
Africa:           Saturday 1930; Tuesday 1030
Asia:             Sunday 0630; Monday 0915, 1130, and 1530.

(Peter Bowen, Toronto, Canada, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL 

U S A. A reminder that we have less than a week left of the AFN
USB relays from Key West, if the originally announced plan to
close on Nov 15 is adhered to. Mon Nov 9 at 1235 check I found
12689.5 with TWO audio feeds mixing (not ISB but both on USB),
NBC-TV Today live feed with Katie Couric interviewing someone at
NASA, and NPR Weekend Edition a second or more behind KOSU; the
NPR audio level was slightly lower than NBC-TV, but the mix was
unbearable. Not audible on 6458.5, but on 4278.5 with lots of
QRM I could only detect the NBC-TV audio; at 1259 AFN (TV) plug
for Seinfeld, 1300 resume Today now mixing with something other
than NPR. 24 hours later I was hearing only Today (Glenn Hauser,

U S A. The program schedules posted at http://theplanet.wbcq.net
continue not to mesh with reality; still omits Sat programs 
before 2300. On Nov 7 I tuned in 7415 at 2106 and heard Randi 
announcing true schedule during own music-fill show:

2130 Fred Flintstone additional airing since the original time
     is during the VOA clash
2230 Spiritual Awakening with James Bean [which seems never to
     have been on the "official published" sked] ...
Something was said about plans to put WBCQ audio on internet 

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