[HCDX]: TFW 72 3/3
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[HCDX]: TFW 72 3/3

THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE  - Copyright 1998  Part  3
Year   3   Number  72  - Rome, 11 November 1998

2146- 4850- CHINA PR-  CPBS 2  2146  Talk in Chinese by woman with
occasional music bridges; fair to almost good at times. Although this is
listed in WRTH, PWBR, and TBL as a CPBS 1 channel, it was // 7770 and
9064 (both CPBS-2) and not // any of several CPBS-1 outlets checked. 
(Hill, USA Nov. 4)

2157- 3335-  MOZAMBIQUE- Radio Mocamibique, Maputo, tentative at 2157
Oct.30, bits and pieces only, but sounded like Portuguese talk and
music. Poor with CHU QRM and possibly a spur as well. (HTS/C/ Coe Hill
Dxpedition, Ontario, Canada)

2225- 3930- PIRATE EUROPE- Laser Hot Hits Nov 7th, Mx pop,ID in EG 
23222 (Pecolatto, Italy/Radiorama Pirate News)

2225- 6220- PIRATE EUROPE- Laser Hot Hits Nov 7th, Mx pop,ID in EG 
23332 (Pecolatto, Italy/Radiorama Pirate News)

2233- 3925- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Olympia, Nov 7th, Mx,ID,QTH in EG   33322
(Pecolatto, Italy/Radiorama Pirate News)

2241- 3905- PIRATE EUROPE- SWRelay Service ( in USB), Nov 7th,
Mx,schedule,ID in Italian,EG,GM  23332 (Pecolatto, Italy/Radiorama
Pirate News)

2241- 7590- PIRATE EUROPE- SWRelay Service ( in USB), Nov 7th,
Mx,schedule,ID in It,E,G 22222 (Pecolatto, Italy/Radiorama Pirate News)

2250- 3930- PIRATE EUROPE- Laser Hot Hits, 10 / 31,  Mx (K.Bush),ID in
EG 23332  (Pecolatto, Italy/Radiorama Pirate News)

2253- 3895- PIRATE EUROPE- Transatlantic R. 10/31, Pirate tips,dance
mx,ID in EG (tent.)  23332  (Pecolatto, Italy/Radiorama Pirate News)

2259- 3920- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Korak Int. Nov 7th, Pop mx non stop,ID,QTH
in GM, EG   33333 (Pecolatto, Italy/Radiorama Pirate News)

2300- 3945- PIRATE EUROPE- R.Free London 10/31, Mx,ID in EG  23332 
(Pecolatto, Italy/Radiorama Pirate News)


BRAZIL - R.Cultura Cuiba on 5015 via tx R.Brasil Tropical, V/s Roberto
Ferreira, gerente comercial (R.Wikstroom, Sweden / Play DX 997, Oct.18)

BRAZIL - Radiodifusora Pocos de Caldas on 4945, QSL letter, V/s Dr.
Wanderley De Mello, gerente,  in 62 days for 1 USD and  Italian Radio
stickers. (B.Gornati, Italy, hrd in Brazil  / Play DX 997, Oct.18)

MEXICO - R.Mil XEOI on 6010, new very nice QSL card, V/s "seccion DX",
in 20 days. (M.Angel, Mexico  / Play DX 997, Oct.18) 

PERU - R.La Hora on 4855, V/s Carlos Gamarra Moscoso (JTM, ON, Sweden in
Slas # 65/98  / Play DX 997, Oct.18)

SWEDEN - Teracom Testing on 15240 & 17870, QSL card F/d, in 90 days, V/s
H.Widenstedt, chief eng., rpt via e-mail <wrd@xxxxxxxxxx> (B.Gornati,
Italy / Play DX 997, Oct.18)

TURKMENISTAN - R.Ashgabat on 4930, QSL letter n/d V/s K. Karaev, very
detailed schedule plan in Turkmen, QTH:  3 Mollanepes Street, Ashgabat,
Turkmenistan,  Fax:  (+993) 12-351421,  in ??? days for 1 IRC and
Italian Radio stickers. (B.Gornati, Italy / Play DX 997, Oct.18)


AUSTRALIA - On the weekend John Westland, Director of English
programming, gave a presentation to the Annual General Meeting of the
Australian Radio DX Club. He indicated at the time that the closure of
the Darwin relay had resulted in a lot of mail however there appears no
chance of Darwin being reopened due to Government "policy". The big
news, released via the ARDXC as a worldwide exclusive is that Radio
Australia is to relay 2 half hour programs to mainland China via the
transmitters on the west coast side of Taiwan. Unfortunately times and
frequencies are not yet known, however we will be the first to know.
Official Australian Government policy still recognises mainland China as
the "real one", leading to independent companies  like QANTAS (the
national flag carrier) not being allowed to fly there. They have to use
a wholly owned subsidiary. Of course, this policy is trade related. The
news has yet to hit the political and diplomatic circles here, and I
don't know if Radio Australia have officially released it into those
areas. John Westland gave us permission to circulate this news so it
isn't secret. My guess is that when frequencies and times become
available, QSL it if you can. There may be pressure put on the
Australian government from China to can these broadcasts, and with the
current Liberal government's record on RA I don't hold much hope. I will
keep you up to date on anything I find out. Richard ( This is a message
from Richard Jary, Australia / via M.Veldhuis, The Netherlands)

BELGIUM - It's surprising that RVI's new relay via Bonaire to Nam at
2230 on 13670 does not start with news, on Sunday or any other day. At
least they could replay the 1730 news (Joe Hanlon, PA, Nov 4, WORLD OF
RADIO 964) Complain to their Mailbag show which airs Sunday at 2230.0
(Hauser / GH SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-48, Nov 5)

CANADA - Coinciding more or less--or exactly? with the B-98 season, RCI
has introduced new arrangements of its musical jingles. I had been
meaning to remark how tiresome the old ones were getting (Glenn Hauser,

CLANDESTINE - R Free Iraq Checked yesterday 1617 on 11915and parallels 
with man and woman talking  and many refs to Iraq, ID at 1615. Address
and freqs on 1628 accompanied by underground classic music. Signals on
11915 kHz, 55555 -- on 6130, fair - clear -- on 9540, 43433 co-ch
Uzbekistan (Liangas, Greece)

COSTA RICA - RFPI Mailbag from Oct 30 mentioned that Spanish service has
now resumed, and heard Tue Nov 2 after 1300 on 21460-USB only; so fewer
repeats of English to be heard in mornings (Glenn Hauser, OK / GH

CZECH REPUBLIC - Radio Prague will continue to broadcast their Saturday
concert after all. I heard their jazz program on Oct. 31 at 1400 on
21745.  Crystal clear reception.  A Saturday morning delight! (Ivan
Grishin, Nov 2, WORLD OF RADIO 964 / GH SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-48, Nov

HUNGARY - Are you aware that Budapest now listed for 11mb - 25700
1100-1300 to Australia in Hungarian // 17670 and 21560? However, only
audible on 17 and 21 MHz here, 25700 may be a "wish list" assignment!
(Bob Padula, Oct 27, WORLD OF RADIO 964/ GH SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-48,
Nov 5) 1300 is around sunrise here; must check FTTT (Glenn Hauser, OK /

Free Iraq] ARABIC (STARTS 30 OCT 98): 0300-0400   5965   7110   7275  
9740 --- 1600-1700   6130   9540   9850  11915 --- [RFE/RL Farsi svc] 
FARSI   (STARTS 30 OCT 98) ---  0430-0530   6025   6150   9585   9850
--- 1600-1700   6040   9680  11730  12025. (IBB website via John
Norfolk, WORLD OF RADIO 946 / GH SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-48, Nov 5)

LITHUANIA - Radio Baltic Waves: A public, non-profit group plans to
start a "Radio Baltic Waves" HF svc in co-operation with a Minsk-based
editorial team called R. Ratsiya (partly ex-R.101 radio stn). The group
is looking for international non-govtl funding for 1999. The xmtng
facility is already installed somewhere in northern Lithuania with a 10
kw xmtr and a "zenith radiation antenna system" in order to get better
coverage of the close target area. The technical test xmsns on 6235 are
expected in November. The planned language is Belorussian. The RBW/RG
prgms will start with one or a few weekly half-hour xmsns at 1700, with
repeats at 1900 and 2100. Later, depending on the funds available, the
b/c will become daily. The reason for creation of this svc is a very bad
situation on human rights and freedom of expression due to the current
behavior of the Belorussian authorities. (Alexeev, Russia, in BC-DX /
EDXP 102)

LITHUANIA - The first RBW test xmsn was scheduled for 0800-2200 4 Nov.
The message was to contain a repeating 8-letter group in the Russian 
honetic alphabet. E-mail rcpn rpts with your G.C., SINPO, rx, antenna
type and  message content are most welcome. E-mail QSLs are guaranteed!
Technical breaks, fair modulation and fqy changes within +/- 50 kHz are
possible. (Rimantas Pleikys, Lithuania, in HC-DX via NU, 2 Nov / EDXP

NEW ZEALAND - I heard RNZI on 11905 at 0500-0706 Nov. 2 with excellent
reception. They are listed as staying on 17675 until 0706 as of Oct. 25,
so this may be a revision. I hope so! (Ivan Grishin, Ont, WORLD OF RADIO
964 / GH SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-48, Nov 5)

NEW ZEALAND - B98 sked for Radio Reading Service: ZLXA 3935 24-hrs, 7290
1900-0500. Parallel 2XA 1602 khz MW 24-hrs, and 88.5 MHz  mono from
local Public Hospital. Reports sought to PO Box 360, Levin 5500, with
return postage. (EDXP # 102)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Radio Sandaun, Vanimo currently operates 0700-1200
daily on 3205, with 10 kW. Station plans to use medium-wave, and the 
transmitter is awaiting installation, having been funded under the
AUSAID program to PNG. This MW txer will be used to relay the National
Service programes fronm Port Moresby. (Mick Ogrizek / (EDXP  102)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA - NBC-Port Moresby 4890/9675 resumed operations
recently, after being off the air for several weeks waiting for spare
parts to arrive from the USA. Currently operates 1900-2200 and 0730-1400
on 4890, and 2230-0700 on 9675. Thanks also to Matt Francis and Chris
Hambly for news of this reactivation! (EDXP  102)

PAPUA NEW GUINEA - Morning services are very rare now from the Kundu
(Provincial Network) stations. However, on special occasions (such as
"sing sings") or religious events, some stations operate all night, such
as Radio East New Britain 3385 and Radio East Sepik 3325 did between
1200-2100 on Nov 5.(EDXP  102)

PHILIPPINES -  DZRM Quezon City is listed on 9616 (yes, 9616) for B98 in
the ITU's Tentative HF Broadcasting Schedule, with 3 kW, 2100-1500,
non-directional. (EDXP # 102)

PHILIPPINES -  R. Pilipinas, B98: All via Tinang - En and Filipino
0230-0330 15120 15270 11805, 0330-0400 17730 15330 13770. (EDXP # 102)

PIRATE SOUTH AMERICA - RADIO COCHIGUAZ will be active again with its
pirate activity on the 31 October & 1 December 1998 relaying to RADIO
TITANIC INT. with a special Halloween programme for South America.
-Frequency was: 6980 khz LSB Sat 31 Oct 2200-2230, 2230-2300 & 2300-2330
Sun 01 Nov 0000-0030, 0030-0100 & 0100-0130 The programme will be the
30's special programme, repeated. *Radio Titanic International c/o SRS
Ostra Porten 29 44254 YTTERBY, SWEDEN. Email: <titanic@xxxxxxxxx>  &  
<titanicrti@xxxxxxx> V= With a Special QSL card.  RTI will be also from
North America and Europe on 76mb, 6950, 6955 or 7415 too. Finally:
MAILDROP of Radio Cochiguaz only for to receive reception reports: RC,
Casilla 2571, 1000 Buenos Aires, Argentina. Only snail mail reports will
be verified with a QSL, please include 2 IRC to cover the postal fees.
73 and FFFR ! C.M., DJ Radio Cochiguaz

PIRATE EUROPE - You can contact Radio Gunsmoke (ex Radio
Borderhunter-Grensjager) via DPRS or directly to P.O. Box 44, B-2387
Baarle-Hertog, Belgium (Pecolatto, Italy/Radiorama Pirate News Npvember
# 1)

ST. HELENA -[non]. From: "Chuck Putz" <radioeurogeek@xxxxxxxxxxx> Dear
Mr. Hauser, Attached is one of our QSLs for our 24 Oct broadcast. I saw
your reported reception in SW/DX 98-47, which was copied to me by a
friend. Congrats on getting the point of the show, and some of the
jokes. Even  my partner didn't understand exactly what I was doing. 
Radio EuroGeek will be on several times between now and next October. 
Since it looks like there  will be no RSH day, there will be a Radio
EuroGeek Day. We will keep you posted.  I'll guarantee that it will be
worth the effort to listen in, and at least as  entertaining as RSH. 73,
(CP = Chuck Putz, R. Eurogeek, Oct 27 / GH SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-48,
Nov 5) --- And indeed was a very nice color electronic card showing some
island--SH? from a few km at sea, refrigerator box (?) floating in
foreground, with legend "Broadcasting from a refrigerator box somewhere
off the coast of St Helena, you're listening to Radio EuroGeek." 24
October 1998, 1730-1850 UTC - 11092.5 kHz USB - QSL #8 (Hauser / GH

SWITZERLAND - The Lenk station'S horizontal square dipole will be
dismantled within a matter of days. The fate of the underground
transmitters is  unclear at this point, but it is suspected they will go
the way of the old Sarnen transmitter: to the junk yard. It was a good
station, and we "old timers" are sorry to see it go. I heard it
everywhere from India to Arizona. Really good engineering. It is the sad
end of another era. 73, (Bob Zanotti, SRI, Oct 28, REVIEW OF

TAIWAN - CBS Variety Px noted on NF 11840 in period 0900-1000, // 11970,
Ch, Nov 6 (Bob Padula / EDXP # 102)

TAJIKSTAN - HS 1 noted noted on NF 7515 // 5800 1840-1900, Tajik, Niv 5
(Bob Padula/ EDXP # 102)

THAILAND - VOA-Udorn noted on NF 6095 with Georgian *1900-2000*,
interesting freq choice, Nov 2 (Bob Padula/ EDXP # 102)

UKRAINE -  The only freq I could find for English from RUI Oct 27 at
0100 was 5905, and that was far too weak to be of any use (Ivan Grishin,
Ont., Oct 27 / GH SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-48, Nov 5) None of the NAm
freqs for RUI seem to be making it here. The only freq I have been able
to find is 5905 at 2200 and 0100, and it is fair to poor at best. (Ivan
at 1200 on 21510 to Oceania is well heard here (Joe Hanlon, PA, Nov 4,

UNITED NATIONS - [non]. UN-Radio - fresh from Babelsberg the solution,
why we still here nothing on the scheduled frequencies: The decision to
start the extended live broadcast service was made last Monday and needs
still to be confirmed by the UN general meeting. This can be counted as
a matter of form, but of course until then will be no UN-Radio
transmissions take place. The new UN-Radio service will work in
cooperation with VoA, BBC and DW. These stations will provide slots on
short- and mediumwave for nothing or reduced rents, our reporter told.
Possibly this means, that the slots at Juelich are bought by Deutsche
Welle. However, the schedule of "Juelich company" shows UN-Radio itself
as customer, not DW instead. Furthermore the Juelich outlets will
seemingly not remain the only ones. (Kai Ludwig, Germany, Nov 1, WORLD

UNITED NATIONS - UN Radio B98: new services now listed via Vatican
Radio: Asia: Thu 1550-1605 11640 9875, 0140-0155 7335; Tue to Fri
1730-1735 11625 13765 Africa: 2000-2005 15570, 0310-0315 7365 9660,
0500-0505 11625, 0630-0635 7365. (Karl Kruger, Nov 5). (Languages now
stated. BP / EDXP # 102)

VATICAN / KAZAKSTAN -The new Vatican Radio relay via Almaty on 11695
currently heard between 1450-1610; 1448 IDS followed by foreign languge
at 1450 and will be via this relay till March 1999 when becomes via
Tashkent to Indian subcontinent area. (Karl Kruger, Oct 18/ EDXP # 102) 

VATICAN / KAZAKSTAN - Scheduled 1450-1610 on 11695 for Hindi, Tamil,
Malayalam and En (Klaus Lieberwirth, via Kai Ludwig, Oct 18/ EDXP # 102)


WORLD OF RADIO as of November 6 on WWCR: Thursday 2130 on 15685 ---
Saturday 1300 on 5070 (NEW) --- Saturday 2330 on 5070 --- Sunday   0730
on 5070 --- Sunday 1030 on 5070 --- Monday 0600 on 3210 --- Tuesday 1330
on 15685. For full details see
<http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio> Regards, Glenn Hauser

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