[HCDX]: hard-core-dx V4 #750 - qsl xerf
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[HCDX]: hard-core-dx V4 #750 - qsl xerf

> Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 00:14:44 -0800 (PST)
> From: mwdxer@xxxxxxxxx (Patrick Martin)
> Subject: [HCDX]: XERF-1570
> Hi everyone:
> I logged XERF-1570-Mexico tonight from NW Oregon, USA. The station is
> very hard to hear as there are two strong Canadians on 1570 khz. The
> last time I heard them was close to 20 years ago. At the time I sent a
> report in SS, but never received a reply. My question is, should I
> send
> my report in SS or EE? 
	[Bob Foxworth]  A possibility? Call them on the phone, ask
around until
	you find (1) una persona ahi que habla ingles, (2)  who seems
	interested in your reception, get their name, write them. This
probably would
	not cost more than the report itself, and you would know
straightaway what
	your prospects were
> I don't hear
> many Mexican or Latin MW stations here.
	[Bob Foxworth]  
	This area had a lot of flooding recently, that may affect your
odds somehow

> 73s, Patrick Martin
> Seaside, OR  USA
> End of hard-core-dx V4 #750
> ***************************
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