Re: [HCDX]: Radio Minurca
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Re: [HCDX]: Radio Minurca

At 08.51 10.11.1998 +0100, you wrote:
>No of course 9895 is not a problem with a expensive communications
>receiver. But with a cheap chinese (or whatever) portable radio in Central
>Africa it could be different.

Yes, and it depends on where you are listening. Do you know for how long R
Minurca should be on the air? I can't hear it at home, I'd like to try it
during the weekend.

73, Mauno

>> Tent. Radio Minurca on 9900 kHz sending Jazz and other music as well
>> announcings 21:50 UTC 09.11.1998. Having some problems with my
>> and so signal was very low during my listening. Aftter 22:00 UTC NRK
>> it's programme in a strange frequency of 9901 kHz and so R Minurca didn't
>> hear anymore. What is this frequency of Norway? 9895 R Netherland is no
>> problem to NRD525.
>> Alpo Heinonen, Rovaniemi
>> NRD 525

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