[HCDX]: IRCA's AM DX NewsFlash - 11/12/98
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[HCDX]: IRCA's AM DX NewsFlash - 11/12/98

         WELCOME TO IRCA's AM-DX NEWSFLASH   -  November 12 1998
                              Vol 4  No 32


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 Deadline for next issue = Thursday, November 19 1998 @ 1930 UTC

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                 X         XX    XX     XX    X     XXXXXXX
                X X        X X  X X     X X   X     X
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              X     X      X      X     X   X X     X
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 CPC DX tests


CPC Chairman (NRC)

Bill Hale - phantom2@xxxxxxxx

Monday, November 16, 1998 - WODI-1230, Brookneal, VA 2:00-???? am ELT.
WWW: http://www.geocities.com/TheTropics/6081 / E-mail: Can be posted
on the Website

Monday, November 16, 1998 - KLOE-730, Goodland, KS 5:00-7:00 am ELT.
WWW: http://www.kloe.com / E-mail: kloe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Monday, November 23, 1998 - KQTY-1490, Borger, TX 1:59:46-5:59:46 am

Monday, November 30, 1998 - KQTY-1490, Borger, TX 1:59:46-5:59:46 am

Monday, November 30, 1998 - KEYZ-660, Williston, ND in intervals from
1:05-6:00 am ELT. (NRC)
WWW: http://www.keyzcountry.com/

Monday, November 30, 1998 - KNZZ-1100, Grand Junction, CO 2:00-4:00 am

Monday, December 14, 1998 - WEGP-1390, Presque Isle, ME 2:00 am ELT.

Monday, December 14, 1998 - WFIW-1390, Fairfield, IL 2:00, 3:00, 4:00,
5:00, 6:00 am ELT. (NRC)

Monday, January 4, 1999 - WGAI-560, Elizabeth City, NC 12:00-12:30 am

Monday, January 4, 1999 - WJVA-1620, South Bend, IN 6:00-7:00 am ELT.
E-mail: WHLY@xxxxxxx
WWW:http://members.aol.com/mike1580 (NRC & IRCA)

Monday, January 4, 1999 - KXTA-1150, Los Angeles CA  0400-0800 am ELT.

(ELT = Eastern Listening Time, i.e. the local time in the Eastern time
zone).  Please remember, what's listed as being on, say, Monday *may*
be what you think of as Sunday night!


KHTK-1140 Sacramento, CA will ID with voice and code IDs on the hour,
every hour from 0300 to 0800 Eastern Time on Monday, November 9, 1998.

Reports can be sent to:
Mr. Matt Greer, Asst. Chief Eng.
5244 Madison Avenue
Sacramento, CA   95841-3004
(Arranged by Bill Hale for the NRC CPC.)

KLCK-1400 Goldendale, Washington will test with Morse Code IDs, test
announcements and "Polka Monster"  music from 0300-0400 Eastern Time on
November 9, 1998.  The code IDs will be broadcast at 15 minute
increments at 0300, and at :15, :30 and :45 after the hour.  KLCK will
be utilizing their regular 1000 watt non-directional signal.

Reports can be sent to:
Mr. Cole Malcolm, Owner/CE
PO Box 305
Goldendale, WA   98620-0305
(Arranged by Bill Hale for the NRC CPC.)

Monday, November 16, 1998 - WODI-1230, Brookneal, Virginia will test at
0200 Eastern Time for an unspecified period with 1000 Hz tones, Morse
code IDs, and . . . Cajun fiddle music.

Reports may be sent to:
Mr. Dave Marthouse, President/GM
1230 Radio Road
Brookneal, VA   24528-3141
(Arranged by Bill Hale for the NRC CPC.)

KLOE-730 Goodland, Kansas will test with Morse Code IDs, march music
and polkas from 0500-0700 Eastern Time on November 16, 1998.  They will
utilize their daytime authorization of 1000 watts, non-directional.

Reports may be sent to:
Mr. Curtis D. Duncan, Program Director
PO Box 569
Goodland, KS    67735-0569
(Arranged by Bill Hale for the NRC CPC.)

KQTY - 1490, Borger, Texas will test on Monday, November 23, 1998 AND
Monday, November 30, 1998.    Code IDs will accompany their normal
top-of-the-hour station ID at their allocated network ID breaks at
59:46 past the hour from 0159:46 to 0559:46 Eastern Time on both dates.
KQTY is an SMN/Real Country affiliate. They will be using their normal
1000 watt non-directional signal.

Reception reports should be sent to:

KQTY DX Reception
Mr. George Grover, Station Manager
PO Box 165
Borger, TX   79008-0165
(Arranged by Bill Hale for the NRC CPC.)

KNZZ-1100 Grand Junction, Colorado will ID with voice and code IDs from
0200 to 0400 Eastern Time on Monday, November 30, 1998.  They will
using 50 kw non-directional (correct).

Reports can be sent to:
Mr. Dwight Morgan. Chief Engineer
1360 E. Sherwood Dr.
Grand Junction, CO   81501-7546
(Arranged by Bill Hale for the NRC CPC.)

Monday, November 30, 1998 - KEYZ-660, Williston, ND will conduct tests
at various intervals from 0105 to 0130 and prior to the news at :00
from 0200 and 0600 ELT. The test will consist of 1000 Hz tones of about
30 seconds duration along with Morse Code IDs during the 0105 to 0130
period, commencing after ABC Network News and local news, and the code
ID at the top of the hour preceding ABC News from 0200 to 0600 ELT.
Their format is C&W music. KEYZ will be on their nighttime directional
pattern sending 26,895 watts ERP toward 018 degrees True. Reception
reports may be sent to:

Mr. Earl R. Gross, WD0APE
Chief Engineer
410 6th Street East
Williston, ND 58801-5552
(Arranged by Bill Hale for the NRC CPC.)

WEGB-1390  Presque Isle, Maine will broadcast a Morse Code ID, along
with their regular on-the-hour ID at 0200 Eastern Time on December 14,
1998.  WEGB will be utilizing their regular 5000 watt nighttime signal,
a kidney-shaped pattern directed primarily to the north and southeast.

Reports may be sent to:
Mr. Wally Babbidge
3 State Street Place
Presque Isle, ME   04769-2323
(Arranged by Bill Hale for the NRC CPC.)

WFIW-1390  Fairfield, Ilinois will broadcast a Morse Code ID, along
with their regular on-the-hour ID at 0200, 0300, 0400, 0500 and 0600
Eastern Time on December 14, 1998.  WFIW will be utilizing their
daytime authorization of 710 watts non-directional.  Fairfield is about
20 miles east of Mount Vernon, IL.

Reports may be sent to:
Mr. Kirk Wallace
Box 310
Fairfield, IL   62837-0310
(Arranged by Bill Hale for the NRC CPC.)

WGAI-560  Elizabeth City, NC will broadcast Morse Code IDs, various
station jingles and "test" announcements from midnight to 0030 hours
Eastern Time on Monday, January 4, 1999. WGAI will be utilizing their
regular nighttime power of 500 watts and normal directional pattern
(they are U3).

Reports may be sent to:
Mr. Bob Carter, PD/OM/Engineer
Box 179 Lovers Lane
Elizabeth City, NC   27909
(Arranged by Bill Hale for the NRC CPC.)

WJVA-1620  South Bend, Indiana will broadcast Morse Code IDs during
their regularly scheduled programming from 0600 to 0700 (correct)
Eastern Time on Monday, Jamuary 4, 1999.  At this time, they will be
broadcasting on ?experimental' power of 10 kw non-directional. They
have requested the new calls WHLY, and may be using them by then.  They
plan to switch calls with their 1580 facility.

Reports may be sent to:
Mr. Larry Humphrey, CE
WJVA-AM (or WHLY, as the case may be)
2010 South Michigan
South Bend, IN   46613
(Arranged by Bill Hale for the NRC CPC.)

KXTA-1150 Los Angeles, California will broadcast Morse Code IDs at 13
wpm at the top of each hour from 0400 to 0800 hours Eastern Time on
Monday, January 4, 1999. Because the KXTA studio feeds multiple
transmitters, the code will also be heard on KAVL-610 Lancaster,
KLYF-850 Thousand Oaks and KCKC-1350 San Bernardino, all California.
They have an automation system that triggers their IDs on command from
Los Angeles.  All stations will air their separate, individual IDs at
approximately :55 past the hour.

KXTA has a Web Site that shows some photos of the construction of their
new 50 kW plant.  Check it out at http://www.hottips.com

Reports may be sent to:
Mr. Mike Callaghan
KIIS Radio
3400 Riverside Dr., # 800
Burbank, CA    91505
(Arranged by Bill Hale for the NRC CPC.)

Also, if you hear a test, PLEASE, PLEASE let me know, via e-mail or the
the newsgroup! And, if you send a reception report to a station, please
remember to include return postage with your report...







Ralph Brandi - ralph@xxxxxxx

I'm receiving a new X-band station on 1620, WJVA in South Bend,
Indiana. It's got oldies, and IDs most of the time as "WHLY,
Hollywood".  On 11/6 at 3 am eastern, I heard an ID as "WHLY AM and
WJVA AM", into news, then at 3:03 "We're 1620 AM, 10000 watts in
stereo," into the songs "My Favorite Things" and "Strangers in the

This is with a Drake R8 and Kiwa MW Loop from Tinton Falls, NJ.


Pat Martin - Seaside OR - mwdxer@xxxxxxxxx

Apparently number #18 is on the air,1620 - WJVA South Bend IN.


John Rieger - johnjrieger@xxxxxxxxx

   WJVA's first day was actually yesterday. Format is NS/MYL and "Radio
Hollywood" slogans are used. Dual "WHLY-WJVA" ids on the hour, so 1580
is WHLY while 1620 is WJVA. Frequent WHLY or Radio Hollywood ments.


Pat Martin - Seaside OR - mwdxer@xxxxxxxxx

Apparently there is an OC under mixing with KYIZ tonight here on the
Oregon Coast. At a guess, I would think it is Auburn, CA. So far no
audio noted, at 0745  UTC (Nov 9 / 98).


Patrick M. (Pat) Griffith - Federal Heights, CO - N0NNK@xxxxxxxxx

I've also been hearing an OC on 1620 here in the Denver area for
several days. It fades heavily but peaks at about S-7. By comparison
KXOL/1660 peaks about S-9 here.

Also the 1550/1690 // Radio Disney stations here in Denver have been OC
again this morning for at least the past 2 hours. Looks like full power
at +S-20 here.


Pat Martin - Seaside OR - mwdxer@xxxxxxxxx

1620  WHLY  IN, SOUTH BEND, presume the source of pop olies music
       and anmt "16-20 AM, Radio Hollywood" at 0630 EDT  11/12.
       Hopefully I can hear it better for a report. (PM-OR)




Larry Russell - Flushing MI - ak473@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1530  WEYZ  North East PA approx. 4:20 am ET, 10/21? Country music
       heard under WSAI for months finally ided: " - country 1530
       WEY(z)" ID sounded more like WEYT or WEYP.  Heard via tape.
       Listed as ND-D so legal pirate? (Russell)
1540  KTGG  MI test 0614 10/26 weak morse code heard once through
       co-channel stations. (Russell)
1680  Grand Rapids area MI 10/27 horrible "It ain't my fault" Rap mx
       repeated over and over for hours, with "1680 Jams" non-ids.

DX-400, 70' wire


Pat Martin - Seaside OR - mwdxer@xxxxxxxxx

1370  KWNC  WA, QUINCY  now back on the air with  All News, AP Net News
       on the hour. Apparently they are using their night power now,
       not hrd in the past, 39 watts. ID as "KWNC - 1370, News and
       Sports" At 0400 EST 11/11. A station that was very rare here,
       mainly because of local KAST-1370, is a pest now. KAST is off at
       0300 EST daily. (PM-OR)
1400  KLCK  WA, GOLDENDALE. Fair in jumble with Morse Code. Very poor
       Eastern CX here after Atmopheric Storm this weekend. Noted at
       0300 EST 11/9 with Call letter ID (voice) and Morse code many
       times. (PM-OR)
1550  KCCF  WA, BELLINGHAM, ID at 0359.50 EST 11/6 as "Christian Radio,
       KCCF.......Bellingham......" QRM de KYCY, etc.  (PM-OR)


Chuck Rippel - Cornland, VA - crippel@xxxxxxxx

All logs below made on Harris RF590 with active antenna.  All are
stations comparitively biased toward the West.  Once winter progresses
some, absorbtion will decrease and allow the more Eastern stations,
such as Atlantic 252 to be heard.

 153  Morocco  Bechar  @ 0400 w/ AA Chants and OM anncr. Excellent
       11/6.  (Rippel, VA)
 162  France  Allouis  @ 0345 musical variety show.  Building in
       strength through 0400.  (Rippel, VA)
 183  Germany  Saarlouis nightly from 0230.  Interesting px of "Ommpah"
       mx at 0500 Nov 6.  This station seems to best all most often.
       (Rippel, VA)
 189  Italy  RAI Caltanisetta with back-to-back Euro-pops @0510
       (Rippel, VA)
 207  Morocco Azilal at 0450 mixed with local beacon.  Mid-Eastern mx
       and AA chants.  Announcements by OM in AA.  (Rippel, VA)

WJ-HF1000A, R8B, R390A/Sherwood SE-3, Harris RF590


Henry Lazarus, New Orleans, Louisiana  henrylaz@xxxxxxxxxxx

1620  WJVA  South Bend, Indiana, 0049-0130 and 1706-1723 on November 9,
       fair signal with fading and much interference from WPHG. Old
       popular songs ("Lullaby of Broadway," "Unforgettable," "That's
       Amore") and numerous IDs, including: "We're 1620, Radio
       Hollywood, WHLY," "1620, WHLY," and part of a legal ID at 0600
       as "...LY-AM, WJVA-AM, South Bend."  (Lazarus-LA, 11/9)
1680  WJNZ  Grand Rapids, Michigan, 0006-0048 on November 7. Fair
       signal with some fading. Rhythm & blues and rap music with only
       a few live announcements by the DJ mentioning the time,
       temperature and IDing only with the slogans "AM Stereo 16 JAMZ
       (sounds like 'Jam')" and "Stereo 1680 JAMZ". According to their
       web site, <http://www.wjnz.com>, which is obviously still under
       construction, the slogan is "STEREO 1680 JAMZ" and under it is
       written "WJNZ AM". (Lazarus-LA, 11/7/98)


Mark Mohrmann - mohrmannm@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Coventry, Vt. USA
NRD-535D - 440ft. V-Beam

 570  CUBA Radio Reloj, 0420 Nov 8, time pips and ID, dominant. QTH?
       (Mohrmann VT)
 670  USA WWFE Miami, FL, 0355 Nov 9, Spanish ballad, end of "La Voz
       Dominicana" program. Thought for sure this was R. Rumbos. What a
       surprise to hear the English ID, "This is WWFE, Miami".
       Excellent signal, all alone. (Mohrmann VT)
 760  COLOMBIA HJAJ RCN Barranquilla, 0426 Nov 8, news and net "RCN"
       ID, very good signal with WJR phased. (Mohrmann VT)
 780  VENEZUELA YVOD Ecos del Torbes, San Cristobal, 0415 Nov 9, talk
       with mentions of "...San Cristobal...Caracas..." // 4980. Very
       good signal, dominant. (Mohrmann VT)
 790  CUBA CMAQ Radio Reloj Pinar del Rio, 0347 Nov 8, time pips and
       ID. Dominant but fluttery signal. (Mohrmann VT)
 830  CUBA Radio Reloj, 0429 Nov 8, time pips and ID, mixing with
       others. QTH? (Mohrmann VT)
 910  VENEZUELA (presumed) YVRQ RQ910 Caracas, 0328 Nov 10, LA ballads
       with "910" ID's. All alone. This one heard on the GE Superadio
       III. (Mohrmann VT)
1000  COLOMBIA HJAQ RCN Cartagena, 0349 Nov 8, Net ID, jingles and then
       local "...RCN de Cartagena...la ciudad heroica" ID. Over WMVP.
       (Mohrmann VT)
1060  CUBA (tent) CMDX Baracoa, 0403 Nov 8, LA ballads over phased KYW,
       weak and // 1070. (Mohrmann VT)
1070  CUBA (tent) CMKS Guantanamo, 0403 Nov 8, // 1060 very weak.
       (Mohrmann VT)
1160  BERMUDA (tent) VSB3 Hamilton, 0413 Nov 8, BBC nx, dominant.
       (Mohrmann VT)


Tim Hall - halls@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

1700  UNID  CA, Los Angeles area??  11/9 0315  Same tape loop as noted
       a few weeks ago.  "This is highway advisory radio 1700...test of
       field strength intensity..."  (TRH-CA)


1300 (KLER) ID, Orofino  MM 11/2 0300-0315 No trace of this one.  Just
       noted KPTL, KAZN, KKOL.  Haven't heard anyone say they got this.
       Was it on? (TRH-CA)
1400  KLCK  WA, Goldendale  MM 11/9 0307 Fair w/morse code IDs
       scattered over 4 or 5 minutes.  New.  (TRH-CA)



 600  CMKV   R.REBELDE  CUBA  11-10  0519UTC  GOOD
 760  XEABC   MEXICO  11-10  0545UTC  GOOD  TLK PRGM ,ID, NA ,S/OFF
       MANY RCN  IDs
 810  XEFW   MEXICO  11-10  0351UTC  WEAK  LIGHT MUSIC  ID
 930  ?          R.RELOJ  CUBA   11-8  0554UTC  POOR
 890  CMDZ  R.PROGRESO  CUBA  11-8  0634UTC  GOOD
 960  CMDJ  R.RELOJ  CUBA  11-8  0644UTC  VERY POOR
 940  CMKD  R.RELOJ  CUBA  11-8  0646UTC  VERY POOR
       IN STEREO


Jef Jaisun - eljefe@xxxxxxxxxxx

 810  HC??  0720-0725 EST hrd uptempo SS music and man ancr doing a
       low-key commercial under KGO, mostly when KGO faded down a bit.
       No ID, but suspect Colombia. I've never heard them when KGO was
       on the air, and I've never heard them without at least a 500'
       beverage antenna or a wedge loop. Anybody else hear this?




John Wright - dxer@xxxxxxxxx

QSL Contribution.

1674  X Bander from Emu Plains Prison Farm, 30km west of Sydney.
       Preapred card with SASE back in 6 weeks. This was the station
       Pat Martin from WA state USA heard first! with opera music. They
       used the intials NBA Radio, will find out what this means.
       Running 400 watts. not on yet gone silent will advise when back
       on air!  (John Wright).


Glenn Hauser - wghauser@xxxxxxxxxxx

WORLD OF RADIO as of November 6 on WWCR:

Thursday 2130 on 15685
Saturday 1300 on 5070 (NEW) ***
Saturday 2330 on 5070
Sunday   0730 on 5070
Sunday   1030 on 5070
Monday   0600 on 3210
Tuesday  1330 on 15685

For full details see


Pat Martin - Seaside OR - mwdxer@xxxxxxxxx


700  KWLW  UT, NORTH SALT LAKE CITY. Rec. vl in 11 days from taped
      report. Sent report to 2801 Decker Lake Drive, S.L.C.  Ut  84119.
      But reply came from: 312 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, UT
      84111. V/S: Dickie Shannon -PD. QSL # 2525. (PM-OR)

I received my 5th Lighthouse station QSL today in the mail. This one is
located  on a small Island, Mishima in Yamaguchi Pref. Also 50 watts as
the others are. 1670.5 khz- Mishima Marine Lighthouse Station, Mishima
Island, JAPAN. V/S:  Wrighting Jun Hashimoto. Card & letter with
tourist info in 45d from taped report. Address:  Hagi Kouro Hyousiki
Jimusho  5699-2  Ooaza Chintou  Hagi City, Yamaguchi Pref. 758-0011,
Japan. Japan  #107 QSL'd. (PM-OR)


Chris Mackerell - chris@xxxxxxxxxxxxx


1420  KSTN  CA, Stockton. FD letter w/sticker in 591 days after f/up
       for report on DX test on 1st January 1997, logged from Marahau,
       New Zealand. V/S Paul Shinn, Chief Engineer. Apologized for the
       receptionist filing my report in the "public file" ;-). Address:
       2171 Ralph Ave, Stockton CA 95206. (Chris Mackerell, Wellington,
       New Zealand)



The IRCA is proud to announce the release of the 3rd Edition of its
Technical Guide. This 156 page book answers questions on receiver and
antenna theory (how to improve their performance), how audio filters
and loop antennas can improve DX (and hints on their construction), how
to build a beverage and phasing unit, and much more.  All updated to
Only $10.00 for IRCA/NRC/MWC members, $12.00 for non-members
  (overseas airmail add $2.50).


IRCA Mexican Log, 5th Edition

The IRCA is proud to announce the release of the 5th edition of its
MEXICAN LOG.  The IRCA MEXICAN LOG log lists all AM stations in Mexico
by frequency, including call letters, state, city, day/night power,
slogans, schedule in UTC/GMT, formats, networks and notes.  In
addition, stations that have changed frequency since 1996 are
cross-referenced on the old frequency.  The call letter index gives
call, frequency, city and state.  The city index (listed by state, then
city) includes frequency, call and day/night power. The log has been
completely updated from the 1996 edition and carefully cross-checked by
IRCA members in Mexico and the US.  This is an indispensable reference
for anyone who hears Mexican radio stations.  Size is 8 1/2" x 11" and
three hole punched for easy binding (optional).

Prices:  IRCA/NRC members - $7.00 (US/Canada/Mexico/seamail), $8.00
(rest of the Americas airmail), $8.50 (Europe/Asia airmail), $9.00
(Australia/New Zealand airmail).  Non-members:  add $2.00 to the above
prices.  Make checks out to:  Phil Bytheway.

Order TODAY from:  IRCA Bookstore, 9705 Mary NW, Seattle WA  98117-2334


If you note any AM changes (call, format, slogan, etc), please send
them to the NRC Log coordinator (Wayne Heinen) @ nrclog@xxxxxxx


END of 11/12/98 IRCA's "AM DX NewsFlash"
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