RE: [HCDX]: 6550 kHz
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RE: [HCDX]: 6550 kHz
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:owner-hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]On Behalf Of Guido Schotmans
> Sent: Sunday, November 15, 1998 11:04 PM
> To: HCDX
> Subject: [HCDX]: 6550 kHz
> When I was tying to receive VoLebanon on 6550 kHz I heard Radio Canada Int
> very weak on this frequency starting at 1630 in E to India. Acc to RCI's
> schedule the fq's are 6140 and 7150 via Xian. Has anybody an idea what is
> causing the reception on this fq. (I am using an AOR AR7030).
According to the ILG database, this is a 15 kW. feeder from Beijing. Listed
from 1630-1657 UTC.
Mark Veldhuis.
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