[HCDX]: Hauser's SW/DX 98-50
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[HCDX]: Hauser's SW/DX 98-50

        GLENN HAUSER'S SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-50, Nov 16 1998

{Items from this and all our other reports may be reproduced and
re-reproduced only providing full credit be maintained at all 

to announce that Allan H. Weiner has invited us onto the WBCQ
schedule, 7415, Wednesdays at 2200 UT, probably starting Nov
25 with #966, the Wavescan Bhutan special (Hauser)

AUSTRIA. I had suggested to ROI that they should use a higher
frequency that 13730 for good reception in North America during
the 1100-1400 transmission; reply received Nov 11 from frequency
manager agrees that 17 MHz would be better, but financial 
constraints prevent them from activating another transmitter, 
and the 13730 must also serve Europe, which is better than 17
MHz for them (Joe Hanlon, PA, REVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL 

COSTA RICA. The almost-hourly frequency schedule annnounced by
RFPI has finally been updated more closely to reflect reality:
"6975 0000-0830 (weekends -1200), 15050 [sic] 1700-0830, 21460-
USB 1200-0300". However on Nov 14 I noticed 15049 on around
1130 check, but off shortly afterwards. WORs again running half
an hour later than expected, and 6975 chopped off around 1200;
21460-USB fade in a bit later with WOR still going. BTW, a new 
programming quarter starts Dec 1, so expect some revisions 
(Glenn Hauser, OK)

CUBA. Arnie Coro on DXers Unlimited Nov 10 invited people to send
in broadcast harmonic loggings to be posted on his website. It
will be interesting to see if any about RHC itself appear! 
(Glenn Hauser, OK)

GERMANY. Effective Friday 13 November, High Adventure Ministries 
European broadcasts in English will no longer be transmitted in 
the evenings (1900-2100 UTC on 5,975 and 2100-2300 UTC on 6,000 
KHz). Instead, HAM has begun a daily 4 hour morning block of 
programming to Europe, 0700-1100 UTC on 5,975 KHz. This 
transmission is coming from Julich, Germany (100 kw Telefunken 
transmitter). For more details, (Peter Darg, HAM UK Administrator, 
PO Box 109, Hereford, England HR4 9XR, via Hauser)

HUNGARY. I can confirm that R Budapest IS using 25700 at 1100-
1300 Mon-Sat. It is audible here in the UK, although the signal 
is quite weak and variable from day to day (Dave Kenny, England, 

INDIA. By the way, the AIR Urdu service 01-0430 UT on 11930 is 
consistently heard here with good signals on wide filters. Since 
the seasonal frequency change this outlet could easily be a 
vehicle for a North America service. Great music all evening 
long (Tom Sundstrom, NJ, Nov 9, WORLD OF RADIO 965)

MONGOLIA. Like your correspondent from Alaska, I too was able, 
for a time, to hear the Voice of Mongolia at 2030 UTC, on 11790 
kHz with a tremendous signal-- definite easy armchair copy. 
However, that signal has disappeared over the past week, and 
there is not even a carrier trace. I presume that I was 
previously getting the signal off the back of the beam aimed at 
Europe. I can only speculate as to whether I have now lost the 
signals due to propagation (doubtful, given yesterday's solar 
flux of 147 and the A and K indexes standing at 0), or some 
other trouble (Bruce Cooley, Victoria BC, Nov 12, REVIEW OF

ROMANIA. RRI reception in the evening may be the pits as usual,
as Bob Thomas and others complain, but once again relatively 
good in the morning; the 1300 broadcast, checked just before
closing at 1355 on Nov 11, found all four frequencies in 
decreasing quality order: 17805, 15335, 17745, 15390. However, 
subsequent checks at 1300 find only poor-to-fair reception
unless the flux is peaking (gh, OK)

U S A. Broke ground this week on 310 azimuth yagi, 6 elements, 
wide-spaced, full size antenna 80 feet high with soon to come 
big time SSB signal going to give WWCR run for money. We will 
have more antennas and differing azimuths when done:

160 degree yagi     (done)
250 degree rhombic  (done)
310 degree yagi     (under const)
340 degree rhombic  (done)
 38 degree yagi     (done)

(Dave Frantz, WGTG, Nov 12, via Hauser)

U S A. AFN/Key West was missing already Nov 14 at several checks, 
but Sun Nov 15 at 2231, 6458.5 only was heard with talk program, 
nothing on 4 or 12 MHz; but at 2300 recheck, just noise on 6. Mon
Nov 16 at 2030, however, 12689.5 was again heard with talk (Glenn
Hauser, OK)

U S A. Checking 7415 at 0336 Nov 15, all I could hear was VOA;
is WBCQ now closing down in the 0300-0500 period? I heard on
RFPI FRRR that Bill Cooper had cut back to only one hour on
WBCQ rather than fight it (Glenn Hauser, OK)               ###

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