[HCDX]: TFW 73 3/4
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[HCDX]: TFW 73 3/4

THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE  - Copyright 1998  Part  3
Year   3   Number  73  - Rome, 21 November 1998

AUSTRIA - R.Austria Int. on 15455, letter in 9 days. (M.Mitsuaki, Japan
/ DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

AUSTRIA - R.Austria Int. on 17870, f/d card in 10 days. (M.Mitsuaki,
Japan/ DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

BELGIUM - R.Vlaanderen Int. on 9865, f/d card in 11 days. (M.Mitsuaki,
Japan/ DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

BOLIVIA - R.Centenario La Nueva on 4855, f/d card, letter, sticker, in
24 days. (M.A.Cornachioni, Argentina/ DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

BRAZIL - R.Alvorada, Rio Branco, on 2460, QSL card, pers letter in
English, sticker, in 6 weeks. (V.Korinek, South Africa / DSWCI # 11, QSL

BRAZIL - R.Bandeirantes on 9645, n/d letter, sticker, stamps, V/s Ramir
Razuk, dir. general, in 44 days, after f/up. (L.Roithmeir, Guernsey/
DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner) 

BRAZIL - R.Educacao Rural on 4755, f/d card, info, in 68 days.
(M.A.Cornachioni, Argentina/ DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

CHILE - R.Esperanza on 6090, f/d card, info, in 26 days.
(M.A.Cornachioni, Argentina/ DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

CHINA PR. - CRI on 7800, f/d card in 17 days. (C.Ghibaudo, France /
DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

CHINA PR. - CRI on 9785, f/d card, sticker, magazine, in 11 days.
(M.Mitsuaki, Japan/ DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

CLANDESTINE, ERITREA - The Voice of Democratic Eritrea, P O Box 200343,
53134 Bonn, Germany, v/s: Seyoum O. Michael, Mem. of Executive Committee
ELF-RC answered with a very nice personal letter and confirmation in
English (frequency was 9230 kHz) (B.Fransson-SWE Nov 4 for CRW)

CLANDESTINE, KURDISTAN - Voice of Iraqi Kurdistan, verified by e-mail
from <party@xxxxxxxxx> (frequency was 4085 kHz). So this came from the
KDP with an e-mail address in Sweden. They also gave the frequency 1610
kHz AM for their morning and daytime transmissions, but I guess this AM
frequency has never been heard in Europe. (M.Makelainen-FIN Nov 6 for

CLANDESTINE, IRAN - Democratic Voice of Iran, c/o BCM Box 5842, London
WC1N 3XX, UK, W: <www.dvi.org E: mail@xxxxxxx> F: (44) 541 52 5051,
verified with a fully-detailed QSL-form tx power given as 250 kW.
address informations from letterhead corresponds with CRI's data
(Makelainen-FIN Oct. 98 for CRW)

CLANDESTINE, IRAN - Voice of Mojahed, c/o Heibatollahi, Postfach 502107,
50981 Koeln, Germany, QSL letter from VoM received here, the mailing
address was given in Germany, but the envelope was stamped and came from
Iraq. (Rumen Pankov-BUL, Oct 16 via BCDX 389 /CRW)

CLANDESTINE, SUDAN - Voice of Sudan, c/o 16 Cameret Court, Lorne
Gardens, London W11 4XX, UK, V/s: Abdullahi F. El Mahdi - Office
Director, full data 8 1/2" x 11" verification certificate with several
pages of information about the National Democratic Alliance of Sudan in
27 days for a taped report. & 1 IRC. (Stephens-USA Oct 18 via CDX 213 /

COSTA RICA - AWR Pan America on 9725, f/d card, in 51 days for 2 IRCs.
(C.Ghibaudo, France/ DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

COSTA RICA - R.Reloj on 4832, p/d card, in 26 days. (M.A.Cornachioni,
Argentina/ DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

ECUADOR - R.Oriental, on 4780, f/d certificate, letter, sticker, V/s
Luis Enrique Espin Espinoza, gerente propietario, in 77 days.
(E.D.E.Romero, Honduras / DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner) 

FINLAND - R.Finland on 15225, f/d card, schedules, in 63 days.
(M.A.Cornachioni, Argentina/ DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

GEORGIA - V.o.Hope, Dusheti, on 6290, f/d card from Hereford, England,
in 5 weeks. (T.Mikola, Hungary / DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

GERMANY - Polish R. on 5840, via Julich relay, QSL card, form letter,
info, V/s Rafal Kiepuszewski, editor, in 40 weeks. (V.Korinek, South
Africa/ DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

HONDURAS - HRPC,  R.Luz y Vida on 3250, QSL card, info, V/s C. Fleck, in
52 days for 1 USD,  after f/up. (L.Roithmeir, Germany / DSWCI # 11, QSL

INDONESIA - RRI, Palembang. letter in Indonesian and English after
several follow up reports since 1991.  V/S Ahmad Syukri Ahkab.  Uses a
Gates transmitter since 1952. (Vos-Netherlands via HC-DX via Numero Uno
No.1500/ Jembatan DX 59)

INDONESIA - R. Purmayudha, Sukabumi, 1044kHz: No data personal letter in
58days with Rp.5000. V/s Dadang Supriatna. This was heard at
Jakarta.                                                 (Juichi Yamada,
JAPAN/ Jembatan DX  60)

JAPAN - R. Japan on 9725, QSL card, calendar, info, in 17 days.
(J.Svendsen, Norway / DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

KOREA, SOUTH - R.Korea Int. on 5975, f/d card, rf (??, ed.), in 20 days.
(M.Mitsuaki, Japan/ DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

MADAGASCAR - AWR on 3215, f/d card, letter, schedule, sticker, in 66
days. (M.A.Cornachioni, Argentina/ DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

NEW ZEALAND - RNZI on 11905, QSL card, note, in 23 days (J.Svendsen,
Norway / DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

PERU - R.Horizonte on 5018, f/d card, stencilled letter, V/s Ing.
Dolores Gutierrez Atienza, administradora, registered anwer, in 5
months. (A.Schmid, Germany / DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

PERU - R.Horizonte on 5020, f/d card, pers letter, V/s Ing. Dolores
Gutierrez Atienza, administradora, in 6 weeks. (T.Mikola, Hungary/ DSWCI
# 11, QSL Corner)

PERU - R.Tropical on 4935, nd card, sticker, letter, V/s Luis F. Bosi,
gerente, in 26 days for a postcard. (E.D.E.Romero, Honduras / DSWCI #
11, QSL Corner) 

PERU - R.Union on 6115, f/d card, sticker, in 130 days.
(M.A.Cornachioni, Argentina/ DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

PHILIPPINES - FEBC on 11635, f/d card, letter, calendar, pgm guide, in
54 days. (M.Mitsuaki, Japan/ DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

ROMANIA - R. Romania Int. on 9690, f/d card, in 10 / 15 days.
(M.Mitsuaki, Japan/ DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

SINGAPORE - RN (R.Nederland ??)  relay, Kranji, on 6120, QSL card, V/s
Asbari N.Krisna, in 4 months. (V.Korinek, South Africa/ DSWCI # 11, QSL

SLOVAKIA - R.Slovakia Int. on 9440, f/d card, letter, schedule, stikher
etc. in 30 days (M.A.Cornachioni, Argentina/ DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

SWEDEN - R.Sweden, via Teracom, on 17870, f/d special card, address by
e-mail: <wid@xxxxxxxxxx>, V/s H.Widenstedt, in 96 days.
(M.A.Cornachioni, Argentina/ DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

SWEDEN - R.Sweden on 6065, f/d card, in 10 days. (M.Mitsuaki, Japan/
DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

SWEDEN - R.Sweden on 13740, f/d card, in 9 days. (M.Mitsuaki, Japan/
DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

SWITZERLAND - CRI on 3985, F/d card, pt (??, ed.), in 30 days.
(A.Schmid, Germany/ DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

SWITZERLAND - SRI on 7480, f/d card, schedule, in 8 days. (M.Mitsuaki,
Japan/ DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

TAIWAN -  R.Taipei Int on 7130, f/d card, rf, programme guide, bookmark,
newspaper, in 27 days. (M.Mitsuaki, Japan/ DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

UGANDA - Radio Uganda, QSl in letter for three receptions on 25-12 &
31-12-97 and 7-1-98 all in 4976 v/s Rachel Nakibuuka Eng. for R Uganda
principal engineer AdressBox 2038 Kampala. This is the second QSL i
received from them this year (Liangas, Greece)

VATICAN - Vatican R. on 15540, f/d card in 82 days. (M.Mitsuaki, Japan/
DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)

ZAMBIA - ZNBC on 6265, f/d card, V/s Patrick Nkula, in 23 days.
(L.Roithmeir, Guernsey/ DSWCI # 11, QSL Corner)


ABKHAZIA - Radio Abkhazia 9490v *0328-0600> Russian, Abkhazian &
Georgian. Best after 0400. (Fisher, in Newfoundland  Canada/ ODXA Target

AUSTRIA - I had suggested to ROI that they should use a higher frequency
that 13730 for good reception in North America during the 1100-1400
transmission; reply received Nov 11 from frequency manager agrees that
17 MHz would be better, but financial constraints prevent them from
activating another transmitter, and the 13730 must also serve Europe,
which is better than 17 MHz for them (Joe Hanlon, PA, REVIEW OF

AZERBAIJAN -  V. of Azerbaijan/Radio Dada Gorgud *0215-0300* Azeri
9165v. 0300-0500+ on 4785 in language. 0315-0400 Azeri 6110. English
1700-1730 on 9165v. (Hill, NU1496; Novello; USA, Fisher, in Newfoundland
Canada / ODXA Target Listening)

BANGLADESH - Bangladesh Betar English *1230-1300*  7185, 9550;
*1745-1900* English, including Voice of Islam 9550. (Sellers,
Canada/ODXA Target Listening) 

BELGIUM - I, too, noticed absence of news at the start of RVI broadcasts
[only via Bonaire 2230 on 13670]. Instead, the news block is replaced
with a five-minute feature, which is followed by the press review. I
always admired Belgium's decision to broadcast Belgian news in its
newscasts, instead of covering the world and stories readily available
elsewhere, so I am particularly disappointed at this substitution. At
least the frequency is well received, and with better modulation than
the old direct frequencies. (Mike Cooper, Atlanta, Nov 5, REVIEW OF

BHUTAN - [non]. WORLD OF RADIO 966 will be a special edition for the
25th anniversary this month of the Bhutan Broadcasting Service
(originally Radio NYAB), with a Wavescan special from Adrian Peterson,
AWR. Includes history of the station and its belated discovery by the DX
world, background on the country, versions of the national anthem and
other music, current schedule, and where to see Bhutanese architecture
in the USA. Release dates: Nov 19 on WWCR, Nov 20 on WRN, RFPI, Nov 21
on WGTG, Nov 22 on KNOR/KOKC, Nov 28 on WPKN, Nov 29 on WSUI. We do not
offer QSLs for WOR, but Wavescan will QSL this edition only, from Box
29235, Indianapolis IN 46229. For the latest details of WOR scheduling
see <http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio> (Glenn Hauser, WOR/ GH
SW/DX REPORT 98-49, November 10)

CAMBODIA - National Voice of Cambodia *1200-1215 English, French & other
languages 1215-1315* on 11940v. Romania co-channel, except 1227-1300.
(Clark NU1442/ODXA Target Listening)

CONGO - Radio Congo Liberte  *0400-0500> 4765; <2000-2200* 4765, 5985
French and vernacular. (McVicar NU1453, Rausch NU1454/ODXA Target

CONGO - RTNC, R-TV Nationale Congolaise, Kinshasa,  15244v <1550-2000*
or later in French and vernacular. May be irregular or off the air.
/ODXA Target Listening)

COSTA RICA - The almost-hourly frequency schedule annnounced by RFPI has
finally been updated more closely to reflect reality: "6975 0000-0830
(weekends -1200), 15050 [sic] 1700-0830, 21460-USB 1200-0300". However
on Nov 14 I noticed 15049 on around 1130 check, but off shortly
afterwards. WORs again running half an hour later than expected, and
6975 chopped off around 1200; 21460-USB fade in a bit later with WOR
still going. BTW, a new programming quarter starts Dec 1, so expect some
revisions (Glenn Hauser, OK/ GH SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-50, Nov 16)

CUBA - Arnie Coro on DXers Unlimited Nov 10 invited people to send in
broadcast harmonic loggings to be posted on his website. It will be
interesting to see if any about RHC itself appear! (Glenn Hauser, OK /

ETHIOPIA - Radio Ethiopia  *1600-1700 English, 1700-1800 French 7165;
*0300-0400+ 5990v, 7110v, 9705v in Amharic & Vern. (ODXA Target

ETHIOPIA - Voice of the Tigray Revolution *0400-0500+ vernacular 5500,
6315. (ODXA Target Listening)

ETHIOPIA - Radio Fana *0330- 6940 Amharic. (Wolfish, Canada; Sellers,
Canada / ODXA Target Listening)

GERMANY - Effective Friday 13 November, High Adventure Ministries
European broadcasts in English will no longer be transmitted in the
evenings (1900-2100 UTC on 5,975 and 2100-2300 UTC on 6,000 KHz).
Instead, HAM has begun a daily 4 hour morning block of programming to
Europe, 0700-1100 UTC on 5,975 KHz. This transmission is coming from
Julich, Germany (100 kw Telefunken transmitter). For more details,
(Peter Darg, HAM UK Administrator, PO Box 109, Hereford, England HR4
9XR, via Hauser / GH SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-50, Nov 16)

HONDURAS - HRVC La Voz Evangelica *0300-0500* English Mondays 4820,
Spanish other days. ( ODXA Target Listening)

HONDURAS - Checking for SW activity from this disaster area Nov 6 around
1215, found mostly music and weak signals on 3250 and 4930.6, but La 
Voz Evangelica, 4819.1, was on and holding up past 1230, mixing music
with comunicados, people trying to get in contact with each other, and
mundane matters such as birthday greetings. Lacking any genuine
news-oriented SW station, let alone an external service, this is the
frequency to watch. (Glenn Hauser, OK/ GH SW/DX REPORT 98-49, November

HONDURAS - Monday morning check Nov 9 found only open carrier on 4819.1,
presumably La Voz Evangelica, Tegucigalpa; but 4930 R. Internacional had
some music and ads. Ditto Tue Nov 10: and it sounded business as usual
on San Pedro Sula's SW station, despite the disaster: Christian/alabanza
songs, local ads and 3-minute-fast time checks; never heard a "R.
Internacional" ID, just at 1226 "Con Ustedes, 12-20," their MW
frequency; 1230 another ad string, including 1233 Mayacable Television,
1235 ID "Con Ustedes, 1,220..." (Glenn Hauser, OK/ GH SW/DX REPORT
98-49, November 10)

HUNGARY - Not sure if it has been reported elsewhere, but I came across
what I believe to be the first use of the 11 meter band [this sunspot
cycle], Radio Budapest can be heard in Hungarian on 25700 // with 21560
13 meters from 11:00 - 12:00 UTC (presumably beamed as Australia). (Ray
Woodward, British DX Club Nov 5 via Hauser) Did he actually hear it, or
refer to schedule? (Hauser/ GH SW/DX REPORT 98-49, November 10)

HUNGARY - I can confirm that R Budapest IS using 25700 at 1100-1300
Mon-Sat. It is audible here in the UK, although the signal is quite weak
and variable from day to day (Dave Kenny, England, Nov 10, REVIEW OF

INDIA - By the way, the AIR Urdu service 01-0430 UT on 11930 is
consistently heard here with good signals on wide filters. Since the
seasonal frequency change this outlet could easily be a vehicle for a
North America service. Great music all evening long (Tom Sundstrom, NJ,

INDIA - AIR Port Blair, Andaman Island 4760 *1030-1230> Hindi, English
news at 1230. Try in Winter. (Novello, USA/ ODXA Target Listening)

INDIA - All India Radio, Panaji-Goa, 7250 *0130-0228* Nepali. (Herkimer,
NU1452/ ODXA Target Listening)

INDIA - Radio Kashmir 4950 <1200-1230>, English news 1230. Try in
Winter. (ARDXC NewsPlus 7/96 /ODXA Target Listening)

INDIA - AIR Gangtok, Sikkim 3390 *1030-1230> language. Irregular. Try in
Winter. (ODXA Target Listening)

INDONESIA - RRI Jayapura, Irian Jaya 6071 (fqyvar) <1200-1300> winter,
<1000> summer, Indonesian. (ODXA Target Listening)

INDONESIA - RRI Jakarta, Jawa,  <1200-1300> Indonesian, 1st Pgm 15125,
2nd Pgm 15150.  (Clark, Canada / ODXA Target Listening)

INDONESIA - RRI Pontianak, Kalimantan 3976 *1000-1200>, 2215+ in
Winter,  Indonesian. (ODXA Target Listening)

INDONESIA - RRI Palangkaraya, Kalimantan 3325 Indonesian <1100>, in
winter <2230>. (Ward,NU1465/ ODXA Target Listening)

INDONESIA - RRI Ternate, Maluka 3345v in winter <1200> Indonesian. (ODXA
Target Listening)

INDONESIA - RRI Kupang, Nusa Tenggara 3385v 1300+ and <2140> in winter,
1000 in summer, Indonesian. (Foster, OZDX#124/ ODXA Target Listening)

INDONESIA - RRI Ujung Padang, Sulawesi 4753v <2130-2230> winter/spring,
peaks around 2140 in mid-Winter. <1200-1300> winter, <1000> summer.
Indonesian. (ODXA Target Listening)

INDONESIA - RRI Tanjung Karang, SUMATERA,  3395v <1200-1300> winter,
<2220-2240> winter,  Indonesian. (ODXA Target Listening)

INDONESIA - RRI Jambi 4925 Indonesian<1130-1200>; 3355v <2200-2230>,
4925 <2300> in Winter. (Ward, NU1465 /ODXA Target Listening)

KIRIBATI - Radio Kiribati *0500-1000* vernacular 9810, seems to be
compatible sideband, LSB suppressed.  English Radio Australia news 0600.
(ODXA Target Listening)

end of Part  3
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