SV: [HCDX]: Loggings for publication.
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SV: [HCDX]: Loggings for publication.

Från: Bill Harms <wharms@xxxxxxxxx>
Datum: den 8 november 1998 02:00
Ämne: [HCDX]: Loggings for publication.

>1260 UNID Someone with Radio Disney is here.  
>Heard 10/31 1858-1900, but lost TOH ID in the 
>QRM. The choices on WPZE Boston, WMIH Cleveland, 
>and WIBV Belleville.  Any of them are possible. 
>Does anyone know when Radio Disney breaks for 
>local IDs? (WJH-MD)

At least last winter I heard them with local inserted ID's such as "AM 1260 Radio Disney Boston" and "Radio Disney AM 1260" at 2 and 5 minutes past the hour.

Fredrik Douren, Borlaenge, Sweden.

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