[HCDX]: Loggings for publication.
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[HCDX]: Loggings for publication.
All times in ELT
720 WRZN FL, Hernando. 11/15 1955 ID and MOYL music. Channel
dominate. (WJH-MD)
740 KRMG OK, Tulsa. 11/9 0634-0639 local ads and ID as ?Newstalk 7-40
KRMG? Surprisingly good and alone on the channel.! (WJH-MD)
740 WBAW SC, Barnwell. 11/15 Male with legal ID at 2300. I can not
link anything else to the station on the tape recording. (WJH-MD)
740 KTRH TX, Houston. A rare visitor here! Local ads and a football
game! 11/11 2021-2037. (WJH-MD)
850 WDJA FL, West Palm Beach. Insurance ad and a male announcer in
low voice with legal ID, over someone with Radio Disney WYDE? (WJH-
880 KGHT AR, Sheridan. (tentative) 11/11 1826-1829½. Song ?Born
Free? and a Veteran?s Day spot. Nice signal for a couple of minutes.
Signal disappeared at 1829½, assumed antenna change. (WJH-MD)
920 UNID? Someone popped in with ?it?s 48 degrees You?re ... on
Country (WPTL or phonetic equivalent). ? Based on the temperature at
the time, the station is south of Maryland. 11/9 0629 (WJH-MD)
920 WYMB SC, Manning. (call assumed). 2234-2300 11/11 ID as
?Wheels 92.5,? which is WHLZ-FM in Manning. The program was called
?Neon night? Female DJ took calls from callers who commented about
an earlier male caller who was thinking about two-timing his wife. Lots of
music, local weather, etc. but no WYMB calls heard at TOH. (WJH-MD)
940 WMAC GA, Macon. 11/11 1708-1725 Dr. Laura, lots of local ads and
IDs! Over all for a while! New call for me. (WJH-MD)
950 WGOV GA, Valdosta (Call assumed) 11/11 1821-1822. A spot for the
Valdosta Housing Authority Office. Mentioned a ?another Non-stop
music sweep (dance) marathon on the station that?s hot magic, Magic
95?. (WJH-MD)
960 WERC AL, Birmingham 11/9 2307 popped in with weather forecast
and singing ID. This seemed like a talk show. (WJH-MD)
1070 WFLI TN Lookout Mountain. Gospel Music and ID as ?This is
your ... You?re listening to Gospel (meet)ing time WFLI 10-(70?). 11/11
1657-1705 (WJH-MD)
1180 WMYT NC, Carolina Beach. Gospel Music and religious program.
No WHAM 11/11 0650-0703 (WJH-MD)
1270 WNLS Fl, Tallahassee. 11/11 2156-2158. ID as ?Sports Radio 1270 is
WNLS? and caller talking about Mickey Mantle and College Football.
1330 WMLT GA, Dublin 11/15 0005 ID as ?Hi this is Bill Jones on your
music and memory place 13-30 WMLT? into music. O/mess (WJH-MD)
1410 WIQR AL, Prattville. (call assumed) 11/15 0031-0033. Gospel music
and an ID partially heard ?We?re victory, ... we?re ... Prattville. I assume
the call was in there somewhere, but I missed it. The name ?Prattville?
was quite clear. (WJH-MD)
1420 WEMB TN, Erwin. In only a minute with reference to ?Carolina Top
10 Countdown this Friday at 10:05 right on AM 14-20 WEMB.? 11/11
1620-1621 (WJH-MD)
1580 Calls? VA, Danville. 11/16 0601 with what sounded like a legal ID
by a male announcer. ?... in a row, AM 1580 (WDRV) Danville ... (Super)
Radio station ... 24 hours every day.? Goodies gum drops, another 24 hr
NSP station. (Comment: I heard WDRV or phonetic equivelant on the
tape recording, but the station is listed as WILA.) (WJH-MD)
1620 WHLY IN, South Bend 11/7 2241-2356 Big Band Music and ID as
?we?re Radio Hollywood WHLY South Bend.? Over WHPG! (WJH-MD)
Bill Harms
Elkridge, Maryland, USA
Bill's Ultimate TIS Digest
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