[HCDX]: Baluns and things
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[HCDX]: Baluns and things

Thank you to all of you who requested my article on building a matching
transformer for a long wire antenna and the report on the FRG-100.
I had over 80 requests in all, that being so I can no longer send out the
pages on a one to one basis but a good friend of mine has put both up on
his web site so may I direct you to the link below.

Sorry for the double post but the address was wrong last time, please don't
be cross with me :-)

Shortwave Radiotimes  <http://website.lineone.net/~dave.howship/articles.html>


>From Mike, QTH Gloucester UK.
HF Radio's are: Sony 2001D and Yaesu FRG-100.
VHF/UHF Radio is; Realistic PRO 2005.

HF Antenna systems are: Palstar AA30 and 60 foot wire
with a 42-12 matching transformer on the FRG. ( Actual Winding ratio)

CM Howes AA2 and 5 foot telescopic on the Sony

VHF/UHF Antenna system is; CM Howes SPA4 mast head amp
with a discone.

For Build and balun/FRG-100 Report and a great web site visit:-


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