Re: [HCDX]: Re: contact at HLAZ-1566?
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Re: [HCDX]: Re: contact at HLAZ-1566?

At 12:55 +0900 11/23/98, Nick Hall-Patch wrote:
>Does anyone have a recent verification signer from HLAZ-1566 on Cheju
>Island, South Korea?  I would like to contact someone on the technical staff
>who could tell me more about the directional pattern they use for their
>Japanese service.

I don't know anyone personally, but the direct email address for FEBC in
South Korea is <3580402@xxxxxxxxxxx>.

>According to my signal strength monitoring program, the Japanese service is
>often the only part of their programming which shows any signal strength at
>all here.

I don't have the technical details, but what you experience is quite
probable from the fact that Japanese is the only language beamed toward NE
from Cheju, as shown in one of the green circles (directional patterns) on
this map (URL below). We have the exact same pattern here in Japan. We can
hear all their night-time transmissions but only Japanese is strong enough
for your car radio.

All the other languages are beamed to either W/NW (Russian) or W/SW
(Chinese). Korean is probably nondirectional.



Sonny M. Ashimori

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