Re: [HCDX]: Re: contact at HLAZ-1566?
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Re: [HCDX]: Re: contact at HLAZ-1566?

Dave Kenny:
> I received a QSL last week for HLAZ 1566 kHz for a follow-up report sent to
> FEBC, MPO Box 88, Seoul 121-707, South Korea. It's a really nice card,
> specially for HLAZ, with a picture of the Cheju transmitter on the front.

A photo of this radio station is on my homepage
-the call was HLDA in 1970's.
BTW, the antenna farm is located near the beach of Cheju Island,
very often stations on islands or close to lakes & seas create
strong skywave signals.  Another example is JOUB NHK2 Akita 774 kHz.

Jorma Mantyla
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