Re: [HCDX]: what could you do during lighting?
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Re: [HCDX]: what could you do during lighting?


>As far as i know there will be only a problem if a radio  or TV set is
connected with its 
>external antenna, or  shall we  disconnect  radios and TV sets  also from
the mains? 

Definitely DISCONNECT *EVERYTHING* from the mains!!!  A few years ago a
lightning hit a nearby house, where they had all TV sets destroied and
serious damages to the electrical system.  But  many TV sets in the
neighborhood were damaged as well.
I had disconnected all my antennas (radio and TV), but not the mains: my
electrical system is a new one and I thought I was well protected.  Well,
all security switches tripped instantly, but nevertheless I had a TV set
out of three badly damaged (the other two went untouched), the power unit
of my computer failed, and the audio amplifier IC of my NRD-535 receiver
literally exploded with a loud bang and lots of smoke. Other receivers got
no problems.  
I really can't understand why the sensitive high-frequency sections of the
receiver suffered no damages while an audio chip was cracked into pieces;
but I know I was lucky.
Since then, when a thunderstorm approaches my area, I disconnect antennas
*and* mains.  Probably this can't be an absolute protection against direct
hits, but surely will save you from nearby lightnings.


Fabrizio Magrone, Forli, Italy
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