[HCDX]: Aerial inquiry on Tennadyne
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[HCDX]: Aerial inquiry on Tennadyne

Please accept my apologies if this topic has been dealt with before in the

However - I would like to know if a Tennadyne LP aerial is suitable for
DXing on the BC bands or is intended for use on the amateur bands only. I
am considering the T6 model which is supposed to work from 14 - 30 MHz -
but I only need it to work well on the 15-15.8 MHz, 17.5-17.8 MHz,
21.45-21.85 and 25.6-26.1 MHz spectrums and dont care at all about the
amateur bands.

Are there any good alternatives to a Tennedyne T6 ?  Any other brands of LP
aerials around ??

Best 73's
Stig Hartvig Nielsen

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