[HCDX]: RE: [AmFmTvDx] KRVN Lexington NE
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[HCDX]: RE: [AmFmTvDx] KRVN Lexington NE

> Nice sunset enhancement reception of  KRVN Lexington NE at 1733 EST
> (2233 UTC) here in Guelph tonight. I
> It pays to park on specific frequencies, around sunset (or sunrise),
> to
> catch the DX during these enhancements. Use your DX-edge, and follow
> the
> terminator
> --
> Regards,
> Werner Funkenhauser
	[Bob Foxworth]  For this kind of DX it will be easier to have
several inexpensive
	RXes running side by side, each feeding a cassette tape
recorder, rather than one
	humongous RX which after all, can only hear one freq at a time.
These sunset openings
	are brief, strong and several good freqs peak up at once and
then are lost and it's
	impossible to track them all with one RX.  Used Delco car radios
running off 12 VDC
	supplies, and small tuned loops cost a fraction of one good
comms RX, for this kind
	of strong-signal, on-channel DX and give equivalent audio
performance, you can
	put a resistive splitter across a speaker output to drive the
tape recorder,
	but you'll want the big RX when the overseas DX shows up. 
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