[HCDX]: 5010 = CNR 2.
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[HCDX]: 5010 = CNR 2.


The recently reported new Chinese station on 5010 kHz is NOT Guangxi Economic PBS, but CNR 2. S/on time unknown to me, but closing at 1600 sharp. Signal here in Taiwan S9+20 and this outlet is most likely a move from 5075 kHz which has been missing and which had about the same strength.

In case you have difficulties IDing Chinese stations, visit my web site with a crash course in Mandarin, plus clips of many a station's Mandarin ID. No matter what, always check parallel outlets of CNR 1, 2, Taiwan program or Chinese World program.

Hoping to have served you. I remain,


Hans van den Boogert - DSWCI 3029
Location: Tucheng City, Taipei, Taiwan
mailto: hansfong@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
web: http://www.swl.net/radiochina/
equipment: JRC NRD-525, Datong FL-3, Sangean ATS-909, Panasonic RF-B65, 30 m LW, 17 m T2FD
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