Sv: [HCDX]: Special report: WRTH 1999
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Sv: [HCDX]: Special report: WRTH 1999

Bugs???  Do you mean faults or errors?  According to my dictionary a "bug"
is Amercian English. So why are you using this word? 

Anyway .. have you ever seen a WRTH or PWBR without "bugs" ??  Come on -
give the new editor a chance. He has had less than HALF the time available
for editing the book that Andy had previously.

The Nordic Shortwave Center has more or less declared the WRTH dead and
gone for the past several months in a "in- depth" story. Now the book is
out. And it's out on time !!!!   It has been many many years ago since the
book was published before Christmas. 

Lets all buy the new book, and give the new editor all the support we can.
The negative attitude of The Nordic Shortwave Center doesnt help a lot.

Best 73's
Stig Hartvig Nielsen

> Fra: Hermod Pedersen <hermod.pedersen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Til: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Emne: [HCDX]: Special report: WRTH 1999
> Dato: 6. december 1998 00:54
> Too many bugs in
> the new WRTH 1999
> WRTH is a specialised product for discerning readers. As it stands it is
> no-man's land.
> It is not the book for world-band freaks, nor for the serious DXer, says
> Nordic Shortwave Center's reviewer Don Phillips..
> Perhaps what we have is a "fair effort" for David Bobbett, the new
> But he too has bugs to be rid of before the new millennium, and next
> edition. 
> Read the full story on the Nordic DX web site at
> <>
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