[HCDX]: TFW 75 3/3
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[HCDX]: TFW 75 3/3
- To: 6 - Brett Saylor <bds2@xxxxxxx>, Charles Bolland <chuck@xxxxxxxxxx>, Francois Steyn <fsteyn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, George Maroti <curious.george@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Joe Buch <joseph.buch@xxxxxxx>, John Figliozzi <jfiglio1@xxxxxxxxxxxx>, Jorge Garzon Guitierrez <igsosa@xxxxxxxxxx>, Juichi Yamada <juichi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Klaus Dieter Scholz <kdscholz@xxxxxxxxxxx>, Kris Field <kfield@xxxxxxxx>, Kromius <kromius@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Laurie Boyer <marylous@xxxxxxxx>, Luciano Silva <py8azt@xxxxxxxxx>, Marie Lamb <malamb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Mark Veldhuis <mark.veldhuis@xxxxxx>, Mike Nikolich <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Nicolas Eramo <neramo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Risto Kotalampi <rko@xxxxxx>, "Takayuki Inoue Nozaki (TIN)" <qzy07141@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [HCDX]: TFW 75 3/3
- From: Giovanni Serra <g.serra@xxxxxx>
- Date: Tue, 08 Dec 1998 12:59:15 +0100
- Organization: Italia Online
- Reply-to: hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
- Sender: owner-hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
THE FOUR WINDS ON LINE - Copyright - Part 3
Year 3 Number 75 - Rome, 10 December 1998
INDONESIA - The song played by RRI Jakarta at the end of the news relay,
it's name is "Bagimu Negeri" which roughly translates into "For Your
Country". It's one of the many national songs of Indonesia, like The
National Anthem "Indonesia Raya", the Pancasila-Song, Rayuan Pulau
Kelapa and others. If you want to listen to them, there is a website
complete with midi-files and texts (in Indonesian):
<http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/1823> or, alternatively
<http://welcome.to/SongsIndonesia>. There are also many folk songs and
pop songs available, together with links to other sites with Indonesian
music. (Gerhard Werdin-Indonesia via DX Window No.142)
PALESTINE -The following information comes from The Daily DX (A ham
DX electronic publication--HAN): "John Kanode, N4MM, reports that
Palestine will be granted an international dialing code and a call
sign prefix block per the recent ITU Plenipotentiary Conference
that was held in Minnesota. Kanode went on to say 'When Palestine gets
its permanent ITU call sign block it will be eligible for addition to
the ARRL DXCC List.' No mention of when Palestine would be added
to the official ITU list." ("425 DX News" via Nigro-Uruguay, Dec 1)
PIRATE EUROPE - Alfa Lima International e-mail address is:
<alinter@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> In the next days AL will increase the power of
the tx and also will be transmitting on other frequencies: 11450, 6250
and 6955 kHz. (Alfred of Alfa Lima International / Radiorama Pirate News
December # 1)
PIRATE EUROPE - Radio Blue Star has tested this weekend the 6910 kHz,
for the reports contact the new e-mail: <bluestar@xxxxxxxx> (Radio Blue
Star / Radiorama Pirate News December # 1)
SOUTH AFRICA - Trans World Radio Africa introduced a new 30-min daily
service in Kanuri (for Nigeria) on 25 Oct, using the Meyerton relay,
from 1903-1933. On Jan 10, 1999, plans to commence new services in Hausa
(1833-1838) and Yoruba (1848-1903), also for Nigeria, via Meyerton. The
Hausa and Yoruba broadcasts are translations and adaptations of the
popular "Thru the Bible" programs. (EDXP 103)
SWITZERLAND - [non]. SRI English at 1400 heard on surprising new
frequency 21645, Sun Nov 29, and not heard on listed Sottens 15185 (Joe
Hanlon, PA) But this must have been a mistaken feed input at French
Guiana, where RFI in Spanish is normally heard (Hauser / GH SHORTWAVE/DX
REPORT 98-51, Dec 3)
TAJIKISTAN - Tajik Radio new sked: 1730-1900 9905 7510 5800 5750 4635.
(EDXP 103)
USA - The AFN USB relays via Key West are continuing, altho unreliably
and intermittently, on the 4, 6 and 12 MHz frequencies as before, still
as of Dec 2 (Glenn Hauser, OK / GH SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-51, Dec 3)
WORLD OF RADIO NOW ON WBCQ. Wednesdays 2200 on 7415. Thanks to Al Weiner
for inviting us on! WORLD OF RADIO ON RFPI: To accomodate Pacifica News
at 0400-0430 UT Tue-Sat, our Fri-Sat airings have moved half an hour
earlier: Fri 1930, Sat 0330, 1130, as has CONTINENT OF MEDIA preceding
it at Fri 1900, Sat 0300, 1100. All repeats are now 8 hours apart, so UT
Sun times are 0200, 1000; on some of: 21460-USB, 15049, 6975. WORLD OF
RADIO ON WWCR: During Dec, Jan, and Feb, our first broadcast Thu at 2130
is on 9475 instead of 15685. WORLD OF RADIO ON WGTG: On UT Sun Nov 29,
WOR aired at 1800 on 9400-USB but not at 0030. (GLENN HAUSER'S
SHORTWAVE/DX REPORT 98-51, Dec 3, 1998)
Times Strictly UT: THU 2130 WWCR 9475 [new fq] --- FRI 1930 RFPI
15049 21460-USB [new time] --- SAT 0330 RFPI 6975 15049 [new time]
--- SAT 1130 RFPI 6975 15049 --- SAT 1800 RFPI 15049 21460-USB ---
SAT 2330 WWCR 5070 --- SUN 0030 WGTG 5085-USB or 6890-USB [or
deleted?] --- SUN 0200 RFPI 6975 15049 21460-USB --- SUN 0730 WWCR
5070 --- SUN 1000 RFPI 6975 15049 [new time] --- SUN 1030 WWCR
5070 --- SUN 1800 WGTG 9400-USB --- SUN 2300 RFPI 15049 21460-USB
--- MON 0600 WWCR 3210 --- MON 0700 RFPI 6975 15049 --- MON 1500
RFPI 21460-USB [repeat default] --- TUE 1330 WWCR 15685 --- TUE
1900 RFPI 15049 21460-USB --- WED 0300 RFPI 6975 15049 --- WED
2200 WBCQ 7415. For full details, and additional broadcasts on
satellite, cable, SAP, internet, AM and FM, see our website
<http://www.angelfire.com/ok/worldofradio> (Glenn Hauser)
"Shortwave Transmitter Airtime" from TDP is the largest pool of
international broadcasters offering airtime on shortwave. With their
transmitter locations scattered across the world, the 21 broadcasters
involved cover every destination on earth. You are invited to take a
look at the new, improved pages of this
service on the internet at <http://www.ping.be/tdp> or
<http://www.transmitter.org> Click on the "Shortwave Transmitter
Airtime" link to explore the offer
and demand for airtime on shortwave transmitters. "Shortwave Transmitter
Airtime", a service from TDP, the Worldwide
Transmitter Organisation. (Ludo Maes, Belgium)
PLEASE, NOTE: Next TFW # 76 will be in short version (with tips of
mine only) as my new PC will be ready to run.
This is a message from Giovanni Serra <g.serra@xxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe hard-core-dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
For more information, please check http://www.iki.fi/rko/hard-core-dx/
or email Risto Kotalampi, risto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx