[HCDX]: some logs from Madrid.
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[HCDX]: some logs from Madrid.

Hi friends,
please some help about the 1360 item?...

4740       5-12    2110    R. Rossii, nx, ID, site ?            SUFF
4753,4    5-12    2126    RRI-UJUNG PANDANG, talk                SUFF
4855,6    5-12    2307    R. La Hora, Cuzco, adv., ID            SUFF
4890       7-12    2013    NBC, Port Moresby, islands mx.        GOOD
4925       6-12    1624    RRI-JAMBI, IS at 1629, ID at 1630        VGOOD   

4980       7-12    2124    YVOC Ecos del Torbes, salsa            GOOD
5011,7    7-12    2128    HIMI R. Cristal Int., merengues,        GOOD
4990,9    5-12    2322    R. Ancash, mx, ID with strong rever    SUFF
4995,6    5-12    2314    R. ANDINA, mx, adv. LSB better        GOOD
5500       7-12    1854    V.O.R.Tigray, local mx, female speaker
                                         closing at 1901.                   
6034,9    7-12    2339    LV Del Guaviare, RCN news about VEN    SUFF
6050       5-12    1842    R. Nigeria-Ibadan, ID, mx.            GOOD
6250,38  5-12    2132    R.N.Guinea Ecuatorial, nx in spanish    SUFF
9489,8    7-12    0330    R. Respublik Abjacia, ID, news        SUFF
11955     5-12    2149    R.N de Angola, nice musical program    SUFF
0711,05  5-12    2332   RTM-Laayoune (Sahara), News program in
                                       spanish. Spanish programs are on the
                                       fri & sat 2300-2400.
0746,08   8-12    0017   UNID in arabic lang.,                SUFF
1190        8-12    0133   WBMJ, S. Juan, rel. talk, ID, mx, all in
1359        7-12    1721    BBC-R. Solent, ID, RNE off.            SUFF
1360        8-12    0208    UNID, WKAT?? FL, heard colombian RCN prog.
                                        but adv. giving prices in dollars
and a
                                        promo inviting listeners "en toda la

                                        Florida" to call
1380        7-12    0459    XECO(see 1590), end of "La hora Nacional"
                                        ID: "Romántica 13-80...transmitiendo
                                        Paseo de la Reforma 56, Colonia
                                       México D.F.
1480        8-12    0116    WMDD, "Tropical 14-80", P.Rico,         GOOD
1600        8-12    0121    t.WLUZ, romatic mx in spanish, female talk
                                        hard to copy due to strong QRM from
1583,66   5-12    1908    EAJ49 Radiolé, Ceuta, //Madrid 92.4    SUFF
1590        7-12    0430    XEVOZ,// 1500-XEAI, 1470-XESM, 1380-XECO
                                        all broadcasting "La Hora Nacional",
                                        with strong signals.
1670        7-12    0444    WNML, sports talk.                    SUFF
1690        7-12    0258    t.WMDM, talk, no ID at 0300            SUFF
1700        7-12    0442    WCMQ, salsa mx.                    SUFF

ANT: 60 m. long wire for SW, 1m. loop for MW.

73's from Spain.
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