[HCDX]: Updating times:CX14 El Espectador
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[HCDX]: Updating times:CX14 El Espectador

 As previously reported Uruguayan radio, CX14 R El Espectador (810 and ex-SW
11835), Montevideo,is going to celebrate its 75 Anniversary  on DEC 14.

That day you can go to 

and listen in Real Audio to a special programming with historical recordings.

Update: Recent station announcements say that the special historic feature
programmes will be aired beginning at 1200. Also check them at 1700 for more...


73 de

Horacio Nigro
Horacio A. Nigro,

Canelones 1146,
11100 Montevideo,
E-mail: <hanigro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
ICQ   :  10230808
WWW: http://members.tripod.com/~hanigro
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