[HCDX]: IRCA's AM DX NewsFlash - 12/23/98
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[HCDX]: IRCA's AM DX NewsFlash - 12/23/98

         WELCOME TO IRCA's AM-DX NEWSFLASH   -  December 23 1998
                              Vol 4  No 38


    IRCA's web site... check it out!!



 Deadline for next issue = Wednesday, December 30 1998 @ 1930 UTC

 Send all contributions to me @ philip_bytheway@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

 The AM DX NewsFlash is sent weekly from Raytheon in Mukilteo WA
    All contributions will be used
    Comments regarding content are appreciated

 With your submission, please include as a minimum:
    Your name, location and email address

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 Information appearing the the NewsFlash can be quoted provided the
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 Soft copies of the latest IRCA BookStore and Reprint Updater are
    available from:  philip_bytheway@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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                                                 Perris CA  92572-1831

     US                     -  $25.00/year (30 issues)
      Trial (US only)       -  $ 9.50/10 issues (one time only)
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             X       X     X      X     X    XX     X

 CPC DX tests


CPC Chairperson (IRCA) - Lynn Hollerman - gmhollerman@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
CPC Chairman (NRC) - Bill Hale - phantom2@xxxxxxxx

     12/??/98 All - 0059-0600 - 1490 - KQTY - Borger TX (NRC)
     12/26/98 Sat - 0000-0200 -  750 - WAAT - Olyphant PA (NRC)
     12/28/98 Mon - 0100-0300 - 1070 - KHMO - Hannibal MO (NRC)
     12/28/98 Mon - 0100-0600 - 1080 - KNDK - Langdon ND (NRC)
      1/ 1/99 Fri - 0300-0800 - 1420 - KSTN - Stockton CA (???)
      1/ 4/99 Mon - 0100-0130 -  560 - WGAI - Elizabeth City NC (NRC)
      1/ 4/99 Mon - 0600-0700 - 1620 - WJVA - South Bend IN (IRCA/NRC)
      1/ 4/99 Mon - 0400-0800 - 1150 - KXTA - Los Angeles CA (NRC)
      1/23/99 Sat - 0400-0415 -  850 - KICY - Nome AK (IRCA)
   *  1/24/99 Sun - 0105-0115 - 1320 - WJAS - Pittsburgh PA (NRC)
   *  1/24/99 Sun - 0115-0125 - 1360 - WPTT - McKeesport PA (NRC)
   *  1/25/99 Mon - 0200-0600 - 1390 - WFIW - Fairfield IL (NRC)
      1/30/99 Sat - 0200-0400 - 1160 - KSL  - Salt Lake City UT (IRCA)
      2/ 6/99 Sat - 0000-0600 - 1450 - CHUC - Cobourg ON (NRC)
      2/15/99 Sat - 0105-0600 -  660 - KEYZ - Williston ND (NRC)
      2/21/99 Sat - 0105-0130 - 1450 - WILM - Wilmington DE (NRC)

(ELT = Eastern Listening Time, i.e. the local time in the Eastern time
zone).  Please remember, what's listed as being on, say, Monday *may* be
what you think of as Sunday night!


KQTY - 1490, Borger, Texas will test on for the month of December 1998
Code IDs will accompany their normal top-of-the-hour station ID at their
allocated network ID breaks at 59:46 past the hour from 0159:46 to
0559:46 Eastern Time on both dates. KQTY is an SMN/Real Country
affiliate. They will be using their normal 1000 watt non-directional

Reception reports should be sent to:
KQTY DX Reception
Mr. George Grover, Station Manager
PO Box 165
Borger, TX   79008-0165
(Arranged by Bill Hale for the NRC CPC.)

Monday, December 28, 1998 -  NDK-1080, Langdon, ND will test with
continuous Morse code IDs during their normal "silent period" from
1:00-6:00 am ET. KNDK will test using 1000 watts, non-directional.

Reception reports may be sent to:
DX Test
KNDK Radio
Route 5, Box 9
Langdon, ND 58249
Attn: Ms. Jen Taylor
(Arranged by Bill Hale for the NRC CPC.)

Monday, December 28, 1998 - KHMO-1070, Hannibal, MO will conduct a DX
test using Morse code IDs during intervals from 1:00-3:00 am ET. KHMO
will run the test using 5000 watts and utilizing their daytime pattern.

Reception reports may be sent to:
Mr. Tom Holmes
Chief Engineer
KHMO Radio
P.O. Box 711
Hannibal, MO 63401-0711
(Arranged by Bill Hale for the NRC CPC.)

Friday, January 1, 1999 - KSTN-1420, Stockton, CA 12:00-5:00am
PST(3:00-8:00 am ELT).

WGAI-560  Elizabeth City, NC will broadcast Morse Code IDs, various
station jingles and "test" announcements from midnight to 0030 hours
Eastern Time on Monday, January 4, 1999. WGAI will be utilizing their
regular nighttime power of 500 watts and normal directional pattern
(they are U3).

Reports may be sent to:
Mr. Bob Carter, PD/OM/Engineer
Box 179 Lovers Lane
Elizabeth City, NC   27909
(Arranged by Bill Hale for the NRC CPC.)

WJVA-1620  South Bend, Indiana will broadcast Morse Code IDs during
their regularly scheduled programming from 0600 to 0700 (correct)
Eastern Time on Monday, Jamuary 4, 1999.  At this time, they will be
broadcasting on ?experimental' power of 10 kw non-directional. They have
requested the new calls WHLY, and may be using them by then.  They plan
to switch calls with their 1580 facility.

Reports may be sent to:
Mr. Larry Humphrey, CE
WJVA-AM (or WHLY, as the case may be)
2010 South Michigan
South Bend, IN   46613
(Arranged by Bill Hale for the NRC CPC.)

KXTA-1150 Los Angeles, California will broadcast Morse Code IDs at 13
wpm at the top of each hour from 0400 to 0800 hours Eastern Time on
Monday, January 4, 1999. Because the KXTA studio feeds multiple
transmitters, the code will also be heard on KAVL-610 Lancaster,
KLYF-850 Thousand Oaks and KCKC-1350 San Bernardino, all California.
They have an automation system that triggers their IDs on command from
Los Angeles.  All stations will air their separate, individual IDs at
approximately :55 past the hour. KXTA has a Web Site that shows some
photos of the construction of their new 50 kW plant.  Check it out at

Reports may be sent to:
Mr. Mike Callaghan
KIIS Radio
3400 Riverside Dr., # 800
Burbank, CA    91505
(Arranged by Bill Hale for the NRC CPC.)

Saturday, January 23, 1999 - KICY-850, Nome, AK will test using Morse
code IDs and voice announcements from 12:00-12:15 am Alaska Time
(4:00-4:15 am ET). KICY will test using 10000 watts, non-directional.

Reception reports may be sent to:
Mr. Dave Oseland
General Manager
P.O. Box 820
Nome, AK 99762
E-mail: kicy@xxxxxxxx
(Arranged by Ragnar Danneskjold for the IRCA CPC.)

WFIW-1390  Fairfield, Ilinois will broadcast a Morse Code ID, along with
their regular on-the-hour ID at 0200, 0300, 0400, 0500 and 0600 Eastern
Time on January 25, 1999.  WFIW will be utilizing their daytime
authorization of 710 watts non-directional.  Fairfield is about 20 miles
east of Mount Vernon, IL.

Reports may be sent to:
Mr. Kirk Wallace
Box 310
Fairfield, IL   62837-0310
(Arranged by Bill Hale for the NRC CPC.)

WJAS-1320  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania will broadcast 15-second long 1 kHz
tones, march music, Morse code IDs, and a little history of the station
from 0105-0115 Eastern Time on Monday, January 24 1999. WJAS will be
utilizing their daytime facilities of 5000 watts non-directional.

Reports may be sent to:
Mr. Phil Lenz, Chief Engineer
900 Parish Street
Pittsburgh, PA  15220
(Arranged by John Malicky for the NRC CPC.)

WPTT-1360  McKeesport, Pennsylvania will broadcast 15-secong long 1 kHz
tones, march music, Morse code  IDs, and station history  from 0115-0125
on Monday January 24 1999. They will be on their nighttime facilities of
1000 watts, directed due north.  But possibly for the test will be on
5000 watts, non-directional for a short time.

Reports may be sent to:
Mr. Phil Lenz, Chief Engineer
900 Parish Street
Pittsburgh, PA  15220
(Arranged by John Malicky for the NRC CPC.)

KEYZ-660 Williston, North Dakota will test with Morse code IDs and 1000
Hz tones at various intervals from 0105 to 0130 ELT and prior to the
news at :00 from 0200 to 0600 on Monday morning, February 15, 1999. Both
daytime and nighttime patterns will be used during the period from 0105
to 0130. Nighttime pattern only will be utilized the remainer of the

Reception reports may be sent to:
Mr. Earl R.  Gross
KEYZ Radio
PO Box 2048
Williston, ND    58801-2048
WWW: http://www.keyzcountry.com/
(Arranged by Bill Hale for the NRC CPC.)

Saturday, January 30, 1999 - KSL-1160, Salt Lake City, UT will conduct a
DX test from 12:00-2:00am MST(2:00-4:00am EST). The test will consist of
Morse Code IDs on the hour and half-hour inserted into regular. Their
format will be "The Road Gang Show", basically C&W music for truckers.

WWW: http://www.ksl.com/
E-mail: QSL@xxxxxxx

Reception reports may be sent to:
John Dehnel
Chief Engineer
55 N. 300 W.
Salt Lake City, UT 84180
(Arranged by Ragnar Danneskjold for the IRCA CPC.)

CHUC-1450 Cobourg, ON will conduct a DX test on Saturday, February 6,
1999 from Midnight to 6:00 am  EST.  The test will include march music
and Morse code IDs.

Reception reports may be sent to:
Mr. John Ton - Engineer
CHUC-1450, P.O. Box 520, Cobourg, ON
K9A 2L3   Canada
E-mail:  jton@xxxxxxxx or chuc@xxxxxxxx
(Arranged by JD Stephens for the NRC CPC.)

Sunday, February 21, 1999 - WILM-1450, Wilmington, DE will test with
tones, Morse code IDs, "recognizable music" and test announcements from
1:00-3:00 am ET. WILM will conduct the test using 1000 watts, non-
directional. Pre-paid phone calls will be accepted at (302)656-9800; fax
# is (302) 655-1450.

Reception reports may be sent to:
Mr. Allan Loudell
Program Manager
WILM Radio
1215 French St.
Wilmington, DE 19801-3213
(Arranged by Bill Hale for the NRC CPC.)

Also, if you hear a test, PLEASE, PLEASE let me know, via e-mail or the
the newsgroup! And, if you send a reception report to a station, please
remember to include return postage with your report...




Robert Wien - San Jose CA - rjwmail@xxxxxxxxx

1. At 3 AM, PST 12/19/98, heard ID on 1580 Tempe "AM 1580, KMIK,
Tempe-Phoenix, Radio Disney".  Calls obviously mean K-mickey (mouse).",
ex-KCWW.  This matches FCC database at http://www.fcc.gov (AM Database
Query).  KCWW became Radio Disney on 7/27/98 per article on archive
website of Arizona Republic (Phoenix) newspaper.  Incidentally, another
article says KCCF-1100 (now KFNX) came on air 1/31/98!

2. FCC database shows 1450 Reno as KHIT and 630 as KPTT.  However, per
call to KHIT this afternoon (12/18), 630 remains KHIT and 1450 remains
KPTT (though 630 does use slogan "The Parrot").  FCC database is wrong
in this case.  Station has no intention of swapping calls between the 2
stations at this time.
Carl Dabelstein - cdabelst@xxxxxxx

The 1580 station here in Phoenix is clearly now KMIK, although the only
ID's I've heard is a very quick "KMIK, 1580, Tempe-Phoenix" at the top
of the hour, and then right back into Disney Programming.  Have a good
Holiday Season.


Robert Wien - San Jose CA - rjwmail@xxxxxxxxx

In case you didn't know, KFRE-940 has a weekly SP now on MM's.  KCBS-740
still has their usual 3-5 AM SP Sunday mornings.  KSTE-650 was off for a
very rare SP this morning.  KWLW-700 now country??  Maybe they're
simulcasting WLW-700 finally like originally planned (WLW/KWLW)....

No sign of 1620 Auburn, CA. yet, still need 1630 WY., but KCJJ blasts in
here (1680 MI. was just pounding in last night also!!!)




Wayne Heinen - Aurora CO - Nrclog@xxxxxxx

Got a call from Ernie Wesolowski last night as he was passing through
Denver. Seems Murray Mann and Ernie did some checking up at KKWY-1630 in
Cheyenne WY. If you can't hear 'em it's cause they're running 500 watts
into a poor antenna system. They ID between 45-55 past the hour and are
using "KWY" slogan with C&W music and not //KJJL-1370. At night they are
not audible 10 miles from the transmitter!

I tried them this morning about 8 AM (MST). A realtor's talking house a
half mile away was all that was audible on 1630...




Ragnar - Mesa, Arizona - lwdxer@xxxxxxxx

Heard on a Realistic DX-440:

 780  WBBM  IL, Chicago 0018 12/18 with ID and traffic report with
       weather stating there is snow in the forecast.
 790  KGHL  MT, Billings [rare] 0020 12/18 playing country music "It's
       So Close to Christmas and I'm So Far From Home". ID at 0023
       "Montana's Good Neighbor, KGHL" into "Harper Valley PTA".
 830  WCCO  MN, Minneapolis 0026 12/18 Talking to a woman who wrote
       childrens books.
 870  WWL   LA, New Orleans 0030 12/18 with the Prophecy Club with David
       J. Smith.
 880  KRVN  NE, Lexington 0033 12/18 Playing country music.
 930  KAFF  AZ Flagstaff 0036 12/18 Playing Christmas Carols.
 950  KKFN  CO, Denver 0037 12/18 with Avalanche hockey.
1000  KOMO  WA, Seattle 2256 12/19 Heard over Radio Mil with Washington
       Husky basketball report and news.
1080  KSCO  CA, Santa Cruz 2300 12/19 AP Network News and ID KSCO //
       KONY [?] into "When Radio Was."
1100  KNZZ  CO, [rare] Grand Junction 2333 12/19 with Laura Lee Show
       over local KFNX.
1140  KGEM  ID, Boise [new log]  2343 12/19 Playing OLD Christmas Carols
       then Jungle Bells by Les Paul.
1150  KDEF  NM, Albuquerque [new log] 2346 12/19 NM Aggies and Wahington
       Huskies. Aggies lost by 20 over near local KCKY
1210  KREW  WA, Sunnyside [new log] 0000 12/20 ID and USA Radio News.
1260  KVSF  NM, Santa Fe [rare] 0003 12/20 with UPI news and into sporta
       and national weather at 0005.
1370  KCTC  CA, Sacramento [new log] 0025 ID and Christmas Music.

Heard on a Kenwood R-1000 with terminated helical coil antenna:

1330  KFH   KS, Wichita 2205 12/20 with ID and into Art Bell. [new log]
1630  KKWY  WY, Cheyenne 2140-2204 12/20 playing country music. Weakest
       of all the X-Banders heard in Arizona. [did they change format?]




Winter Monges - winter@xxxxxxxxx

Dear Srs:
I invite to visit my web site dedicated to help dxers to obtain YV-QSL
that have been trying to get for many years without success.


e-mail: venezuelanqslhelp@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:venezuelanqslhelp@xxxxxxxxx>
Postal Address:
Winter Monges
P.O.Box. 1.116
Barquisimeto 3001-A
Lara Venezuela


Jef Jaisun - eljefe@xxxxxxxxxxx

Two questions:

1. Anybody know why my old SR-II would suddenly be drifting off
   frequency? It happens on both AM and FM, even with a fresh set of
   batteries and/or plugged into the AC. Did I whack it once too often?

2. Was the old Radio Shack TRF ever cloned by Panasonic? A friend of
   mine has a Panasonic Model 5-696 small portable that looks
   suspiciously like the RS model. And how about that model number!



The IRCA is proud to announce the release of the 3rd Edition of its
Technical Guide. This 156 page book answers questions on receiver and
antenna theory (how to improve their performance), how audio filters
and loop antennas can improve DX (and hints on their construction), how
to build a beverage and phasing unit, and much more.  All updated to
Only $10.00 for IRCA/NRC/MWC members, $12.00 for non-members
  (overseas airmail add $2.50).


IRCA Mexican Log, 5th Edition

The IRCA is proud to announce the release of the 5th edition of its
MEXICAN LOG.  The IRCA MEXICAN LOG log lists all AM stations in Mexico
by frequency, including call letters, state, city, day/night power,
slogans, schedule in UTC/GMT, formats, networks and notes.  In
addition, stations that have changed frequency since 1996 are
cross-referenced on the old frequency.  The call letter index gives
call, frequency, city and state.  The city index (listed by state, then
city) includes frequency, call and day/night power. The log has been
completely updated from the 1996 edition and carefully cross-checked by
IRCA members in Mexico and the US.  This is an indispensable reference
for anyone who hears Mexican radio stations.  Size is 8 1/2" x 11" and
three hole punched for easy binding (optional).

Prices:  IRCA/NRC members - $7.00 (US/Canada/Mexico/seamail), $8.00
(rest of the Americas airmail), $8.50 (Europe/Asia airmail), $9.00
(Australia/New Zealand airmail).  Non-members:  add $2.00 to the above
prices.  Make checks out to:  Phil Bytheway.

Order TODAY from:  IRCA Bookstore, 9705 Mary NW, Seattle WA  98117-2334


The National Radio Club now has the 19th edition of their NRC AM Radio
Log for the 1998-1999 DX Season edition. This annual edition contains
324 pages, 8 1/2" x 11" size, 3-hole punched, loose leaf format with
over 5,400 A.M. Radio station listings from the United States and
Canada.  Each station listing consists of its location, frequency,
call, format, network affiliation, station address, station slogan, day
and night transmitter powers.  There are cross references by city and
by call letter

The AM Radio Log is available to NRC/IRCA members for $16.95 post paid.
(Canadian members funds must be US funds)

The Nonmember and Overseas prices of the AM Radio Log are as follows:

U.S. & Canada  US$22.95
Latin America  US$23.50
Europe         US$24.00
All Others     US$28.00

All Overseas prices are shipped via AIR and payment must be in US funds,

Please mail all orders to:

National Radio Club
Publications Center
P.O. Box 164
Mannsville, NY 13661-0164


    phil bytheway - Seattle WA - philip_bytheway@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Tabulated from WWV at ~0518 GMT nightly

    Geomagnetic Summary December 10 1998 through December 22 1998

       GEO - Geomagnetic activity     pca - polar cap absorption
       maf - major flare              SA  - Solar Activity
       mas - major storm              spe - satellite proton event
       mis - minor storm              ss  - severe storm

 Date    FLUX    A    K    SA          GEO                 OTHER

 12/10   134     5    3    low         quiet-active        swa
    11   143    20    2    low         quiet-active        -
    12     z     z    z    z           z                   -
    13   144     1    1    low         quiet               swa
    14   144     5    z    low         active-unsettled    swa
    15     z     z    z    z           z                   -
    16   141     9    0    low         quiet-unsettled     swa
    17   146     0    0    moderate    quiet               swa
    18   155     2    0    high        quiet               maf 1722
    19   138     3    3    low         quiet-unsettled     swa
    20   135    11    1    moderate    quiet-unsettled     swa
    21   135     2    1    low         quiet               swa
 12/22   129     3    1    low         quiet               swa


If you note any AM changes (call, format, slogan, etc), please send
them to the NRC Log coordinator (Wayne Heinen) @ nrclog@xxxxxxx


END of 12/23/98 IRCA's "AM DX NewsFlash"
This is a message from "Bytheway, Philip" <Philip_Bytheway@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
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For more information, please check http://www.iki.fi/rko/hard-core-dx/
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