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Forst some more greetings for the new Year.
The previous days I was outside my QTH in Litohoron without my rig so that I did not
make any logs. Only for yesterday after returning back
Here are some logs made:
6920 unIDed 1858-1902 , song ?unbreak my heart? clock the Chinese way (3 tones and one
high pitch ) , YL heard in unknown lang due to very low signal possibly Mongolian.
Signal was 13131. tune in on 1937 with just a very low trace of signal on SSB mode
Liangas Dec 27 Greece
Opinions? CRI as per WRTH ?
CHINA 7540 NF CNR 1 2027 parallel to 7935 with chinese music 2030 ID ?Zhongyang
renmin guangbodiantai? Signal overloaded . 44434 Liangas Dec27 Greece
S AFRICA 3320 R Sonder Grenze1920 & 1957 men with continuous talks in Afrikaans refs to
communism (1920) on ca. 2000 starting with classical music then talks continue Signal
22232 Liangas Dec 27 Greece
EIRE (pirate) 6295 Reflexions Europe 2013 with Christmas songs. ID as ?radio ?? and
POB also but strong surface electical noise did not allow me to listen to full name.
Signal 22122 Liangas Dec 27 Greece
6890 spy : 3+2 FGS 2017
Mali 4835 QRYd to 4833 with their low powered transmitter
Zacharias Liangas pen-DX sejak 72
anggota World-DX-Club 2104,Play DX, DSWCI #3507(temporarily out)
pesawat penerima : Lowe HF 150 , SONY IFC 7600 D ,Yupiteru MVT7100scanner(NEW), Philips 2935 antena 6 m & 11 m
accesories: handmade ATU,MFJ 1040 preselector,MFJ1025 noise canceller , MFJ 752c filter audio , MFJ16010 ATU
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