[HCDX]: more grounding
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[HCDX]: more grounding

re: Mark Mohrmann comments  "But it seems to me that the long
distance of the wire would defeat the good grounding characteristics of the

Mark , ideally you would bring the antenna to the swamp, run coax,
grounding the shield in the swampy ground and feeding the coax to your
receiver with suitable lightning protection. This also keeps the pickup
part of the antenna farther away from the house and its associated noise

>From a wavelength point of view, 75 feet is really not far at BCB
frequencies for instance,  at 1700 khz one wavelength is 670 feet, at 540
khz a wavelength is 1822 feet, of course at higher frequencies that
distance does become appreciable in wavelength, with this in mind, 75 feet
of good ground wire is very minimum in resistance at bcb frequencies and
may enhance longwire and beverage performance by just simply grounding this
way. If it is easy to try this (you dont have to move the antenna) try it
and report what you find, I always found before and after readings on
distant BCB daytimers (for you maybe New York, Philly, Maritimes, Buffalo,
etc) gives you a feel for the improvement on signal strength and
directivity changes. Try CHU 3Mhz also.  I would think above 6 Mhz it would
be a hit/miss improvement.
Good Luck driving that ground rod in the frozen ground !

On the other topic "I've got the same dilemma with my FM/TV reception".

Though not the topic of this forum, by all means put your vhf/uhf antennas
up on the hill amplify the signals and run coax down , this certainly can
be done with good results using the right equipment, though I would think
cost may become a consideration. Check with me off list on this topic.

73s Jerry
Syracuse, NY

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