[HCDX]: Re: Beverages
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[HCDX]: Re: Beverages

>do. With wires running in a similar direction we haven't noted much
>difference between 200 and 600 metres, some stations are slightly 
>higher on one, some on the other.

Thanks for pointing out that information which we all forget sometimes.
It's like RF power.  A 10,000-watt station is not 10 times better than a
1,000-watt station.  Every doubling of power gives 3 dB of increase --
slightly less than half an S-unit.  Take the 1,000 watts and double it to
2,000 watts.  Then double that to 4,000 watts.  That gives you almost an
S-unit increase.  Double it again to 8,000 watts, then double that to
16,000 watts
and you've gotten almost another S-unit.  Wow!  An increase of 15,000
watts just for two S-units, and you still can't tell the difference
between that
and the first 10,000-watt station.

Now, with antennas, the same thing applies.  In most cases, you can't
tell the difference between a 200-foot longwire and a 600-foot longwire. 
There will
always be exceptions.  But I'll bet you can tell the difference between a
50-foot longwire and a 1000-foot longwire!

I guess the thing to remember is that if you have room for only a 25-foot
a 50-foot longwire, don't worry too much about it.  So what if the guy
down the street has a 100-foot longwire?  He's more than likely not going
to hear anything you can't hear!

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