[HCDX]: Indonesia-DX
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[HCDX]: Indonesia-DX


concerning Indonesia-DX here in central Europe I would recommend the late
evening hours at present.

3264.7,  RRI Gorontalo; Jan. 30, 2200-2215, BI, news, local ID at 2209, pop
music; fantastic signal.  SINPO  44434

3344.8,  RRI Ternate; Jan. 30, 2145-2200, BI, man and woman talking, pop
songs.  SINPO  33423

3395.1,  RRI Bandar Lampung; Jan. 30, 2215-2230, BI, Quran singing and
lecture, local ID at 2222.  SINPO  34323

4696.6,  Radio K.I.P. (presumed), Surabaya; Jan 29, 2235-2240, traces of
Indonesian pop songs, very weak signal. O=1-2

4753.3,  RRI Ujung Pandang; Jan 29, 2225-2235, BI, Indonesian pop songs,
intervall signal and ID at 2230, news.  SINPO  43423

4874.5,  RRI Sorong (presumed); Jan. 29, 2210-2225, BI, talk woman, fade-out
at around 2225.  SINPO  33222

and finally Australia:

5025, ABC Katherine; Jan. 29, 2150-2210, English, soft pop songs.  SINPO

vy 73

Michael Schnitzer
Receiver: JRC NRD-525
Antenna: 25m longwire & DX-One Professional
Location: Hassfurt, Germany
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