[HCDX]: mediumwave DX
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[HCDX]: mediumwave DX

1296 Unid,feb 10-1999,1857 Female speaker in russian,by recheck at 1910
female speaker in russian with ID: Govaryth Radio .... followed by male
speaker in russian,mixed with R XL and RAI.
Bad modulation so maybe Voice of Azerbajian.

1395 Wor.Sor.Kor.Klang,feb 9-1999,2322 Female speaker in thai followed by
music at 2324.
By recheck at 2344 much stronger with female speaker in thai with clear
mention of thai at 2344 followed at 2345 hmong kind of male songs,weaker at
2353 and fade out at 2356.
24222 at 2322
24332 at 2344

1440 R Guangxi 1,feb 9-1999,2326 Female speaker in chinese folowed by male
speaker in chinese at 2327,at 2329 male and female speakers in chinese.
Mixed with WLPZ.

1440 WLPZ Portland,Maine,feb 9-1999,2309 Male speaker in english with
sportstalk with several mentions of NFL,at 2326 by recheck mention by male
speaker of NBA with mention of Cleveland VS Vampires?
Mixed with Guangxi.

1440 Unid USA,feb 10-1999,0017 Female speaker in english with religious talk
with several mentions of god and the lord,also earlier heard around 2310
with female speaker with mention of the bible.
Mixed with WLPZ.

1467 IRIB Tehran 1,feb 9-1999,2337 Male and female speakers in farsi,by
recheck at 2357 santour music followed by male speaker in farsi at 2358 with
ID as: Inja Tehran at,seda-ye jomhuri-ye eslami-ye Iran, // 1566.

1566 IRIB Tehran 1,feb 10-1999,1758 Female speaker in farsi with full ID at
1759 as: Inja Tehran at,seda-ye jomhuri-ye eslami-ye Iran,under Mayak from

1593 AIR Bhopal,feb 10-1999,0024 Opening with male hindi choir songs,at 0025
male speaker in hindi followed at 0026 by sarangi music until 0029 then male
speaker in hindi followed at 0030 by female speaker with announcement for
the news followed by news by female speaker in hindi until 0035 then again
sarangi music,// 3315.
Dominant over Moldova.

73,s Karl van rooy
NRD 535D 20 M longwire
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