Re: [HCDX]: China Huayi BC
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Re: [HCDX]: China Huayi BC

At 19:46 +0900 2/27/99, Jari Savolainen wrote:
>Has anyone recently got QSL from the China Huayi BC in Fuzhou?
>The other day I was listening to their EE closing announcement at 1602
>on 4940 (qrm from AIR Guwahati and VOR relay) //4830 (qrm from Thai)
>and to my ears they announced CORPORATION instead of Company
>in their name. Could somebody with better reception confirm this.

You are correct, Jari.

I checked the bilingual (Chinese/English) ID at 1400 UTC on Sunday, Feb.
28, and the English part was, "This is the China Huayi Broadcasting
Corporation." Thank you for finding this out! 4940 kHz, SIO 433-444 in


Sonny M. Ashimori

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