Re: [HCDX]: FW: Time for a test!
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Re: [HCDX]: FW: Time for a test!

At 13:52 99.03.12 +0100, Martin Elbe wrote:
>here's a mail from Mauricio Molano of RNE5 Salamanca. I've suggested a test,
>as Norway was off. Alas, they are back by now, but weaker than usual.
>Anyhow, keep an eye on 1314 kHz.

They are back but on reduced power. There are 2 electrical power
cables running along the bottom of the sea out to the island of
Kvitsoy. First one of the cables failed, then, incredibly, within
10 days the other one failed as well. This left the entire island
without electricity. A couple of days later emergency power generators
were providing electricity, but everyone on the island were urged to
use as little of it as possible. The power cables at the sea bottom
are owned by Norkring (responsible for the NRK transmitters) and they
are currently in public disagreement with a local utility company on who
should pay the bill to either repair the cables or install new cables.
A return to the normal supply of electricity is not expected until the
beginning of April at the earliest.

Jan Alvestad - janalv@xxxxxxxx
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