Re: [HCDX]: beverage antenna wire
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Re: [HCDX]: beverage antenna wire

>i would like feedback from those of you on the list that use beverage
antennas on what the best >wire to use for beverage antennas is and also
your ideas on getting a lot of suitable wire >cheap.

Hi Carl

It depends on whether you want the antenna to be permanent or only for that

I tend to use the light twin bell wire on Dxpeditions. The advantage is that
it is light and you can run the antenna in a more horizontal position.
(Tension it between the poles/trees) Heavy wire tends to sag and you can end
up having your antenna chewed by Kangaroos, Cows and other wildlife. My
heavy wire has chew marks and breaks all the way through it. (2000m)

The downside of the light wire is that it is prone to breaks in strong winds
etc.. That's when a multimeter comes in handy on a dx trip. However I still
prefer using the light to the heavy. 

If you want to leave the antenna up on a permanent basis then I'd go for the
thicker wire as it doesn't take very long for Mother Nature to weaken the wire. 

As far as cost is concerned the lighter wire will be cheaper too and you
will not notice any difference in performance of the beverage.


This Email originated from David Onley
Mediumwave & Tropical Band Dxer
Melbourne, Australia

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