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Thanks for the replies on the T2FD antenna....and ..yes...the Nordicdx
site I know.

I have some more comments and questions about the construction.

When designing the antenna for a specific wavelength...lets say 3.3
mhz...the antenna will cover the 5:1 ratio..by other means 3.3 - 16.5
But does that mean the coverage is equal over the entire designed range?

Or.... is it the same as with a dipole.....best on every full
wavelength....2x3.3 etc.etc.?

If so...then we have to consider what bands we want to listen to....or
isn't this critical at all?
If we want to use the antenna for 3.3 and 4.9 mhz......we will not have
2 wavelengths for 4.9 mhz,but 1 1/2 length!

Please correct me....I'm probably wrong on this!?

Anybody have ideas what the best height is?    As high as possible or
what....any limits on the lowest height for the far end?

Does that mean the characteristics for the antenna will change....lobes

Some more details would be nice!

Alf Årdal
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