[HCDX]: loggings from NY
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[HCDX]: loggings from NY

7165.11 Radio Tanzania, noted at 0604 w/news and sports in EE read by M,
ends w/"...from Dar Es Salaam.."; ad block followed at 0613, then W with
anmt, about 15 secs silence, then 0615 sacred mx, brief drums/chanting,
then M in swahili w/religious sermon, ending w/ "amen" @0627; drums and
local mx followed, with more programming in swahili through 0705 tune-out,
by which time signal pretty well gone. Fair at best, w/adjacent QRM until
0700, then station in clear but too weak to really copy. (23-Apr/Quaglieri-NY)

7109.95 Radio Tirana noted @0659 w/multiple versions of IS, ID by M & W
@0700, into pres. Albanian program. (23-Apr/Quaglieri-NY)

9609.98 RTV Congolaise (t) This one likely at 0722 w/hyper M dj in FF and
uptempo African dance music; weak but in the clear, peaked to fair a few
times but never when M was speaking, naturally. Digital mil voice system
(sounds like cicadas) came up on freq @0730; that combined with
daylight-deteriorated signal effectively ended reception. Worth further
exploration for fellow insomniacs. (23-Apr/Quaglieri-NY)

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