Re: [HCDX]: Allied Voice 1003 kHz (Serbia)
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Re: [HCDX]: Allied Voice 1003 kHz (Serbia)

Thank You for the information regarding 1003 kHz, Karel. Let's see if the
signal makes its way to Central Finland from that little air plane.
I agree with you regarding the bombings of Balkan, serbian radio &
TV-centers etc. It has been crazy work from the very beginning. Something
everyone involved really has to be ashamed of, still this happens in 1999,
in Europe. 


At 23:21 26.4.1999 +0200, you wrote:
>Already known: Radio station called "Allied Voice" broadcasts in Serbian
>from airplane on 1003 kHz, 3 FM frequencies  and 1 TV channel (21) for
>people of Serbia, Yugoslavia. The plane flies 6000 m (18000 ft) high and the
>MW transmitter has 10 kW.
>I heard the station for the first time yesterday, April 25, between
>1000-1320 UTC sign off.
>My location is Plzen (Pilsen), 90 km SW from Prague.
>Yesterday I had a poor signal here in our house, in the middle of all that
>noise of bigger town (170 000 people).
>Today (April 26) I took my car, a Lowe HF-150 receiver and 50 m of wire and
>drove to the edge of the city. The noise was as strong as in our house so I
>drove on, some 10 km north to the area of small villages and forests. When I
>connected the wire to my receiver, I could not believe my ears, the signal
>was so good. I have been listening for more than 1 hour untill the sign off
>at exactly 1400 UTC.
>According to my observations, Allied Voice (Zayednichki Glas) is on the air
>daily for 3-4 hours (April 25: 1000-1320; April 26: 1030-1400 UTC).
>The program consists of anglo-american pop and rock with short comments (2-4
>minutes) every ca. 15 minutes. The station ID is (in Serbian) "Allied
>Voice", "Allied Voice of NATO", "Radiostation of NATO forces" and similar
>modifications. Anti-Miloshevich comments and propaganda are read by men and
>women with a strong American accent (!). It seems they are Serbs living in
>the US already for many years.
>The signal is technically quite OK, propagation from airplane flying so high
>above the ground is excellent, the signal has no fading at all (it is early
>afternoon of our local time!). Although it has only 10 kW, its level was
>practically the same as the one of Hrvatski Radio on 1134 kHz (600 kW). The
>signal of Belgrade on 684 kHz (2000 kW, now maybe less) was poor with long
>and deep fadings.
>My location is ca. 1000 km from Belgrade. I think that it is possible to
>hear the signal up to 1500 km from Serbia. Leave your town with a portable -
>(or car-) receiver and a role of wire and it is very probable that you will
>hear it (untill it is too late).
>After all the transmissions are a bit funny. I think that accented speeches
>and strong propaganda contents will hardly find massive audience, especially
>in Serbia where people are now very sensitive of everything what is comming
>from NATO countries that are destroying their country. It reminds me the
>time in August 1968 when 5 countries of the Warsaw Pact occupied our country
>(the Czech Republic). Immediately after their entry the clandestine station
>called VLTAVA went on the air from Dresden, East Germany. Strong accent of
>German speakers and communist propaganda did not find their listeners and
>the station remained only a source of jokes ...
>Karel Honzik
>the Czech Republic
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