[HCDX]: Risp: Canada on 6160 (and more)
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[HCDX]: Risp: Canada on 6160 (and more)

> Da: jerry.monroe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
> Early this am 0853 UT, I heard a wonderful sign on of the CBC identifying
> itself as GooseBay, Labrador
> now on 6160 khz (not St. Johns), the call is no longer CKZN, but is
> actually repeating the FM service for
> Goose Bay.  

Did they moved the tx from St. John's to Goose Bay or it's simply a new
relay service? It would be also fine to know if the Goose Bay service
covers the full schedule of the station or if, at a given time, they carry
CBC service or other local services.
Here in So. Europe the channel is free at 2300-0000 utc, and the usual "CBC
Radio One" Id was clearly audible at 0000 last night, while no local ID was
heard (and that, of course, don't mean that there was no local Id at
all...simply I've not been able to catch any :-) ). 

Moving southbound, R. Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia, is now on 6175 kHz
(ex 6180 kHz), with a powerful signal around 2300 utc. 

Conditions seems to be very nice on 49 mb these days.

Have a nice weekend,
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