[HCDX]: Help with Open Directory content
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[HCDX]: Help with Open Directory content

I hope this isn't considered off topic by anyone.

For a time now, I've been a volunteer editor in the Open Directory
Project, which is a joint venture between AOL and Netscape. The purpose
of ODP is to create a web directory (something like Yahoo) with human
editors ensuring relevancy of web page content and correct

I edit these categories at the moment:

Arts/Radio/Shortwave/DX and Radio Groups

Under the latter two, I've created a number of sub categorizes.

I have added quite a number of URLs to these categories and others on my
own, including obvious ones like this newsgroup and important clubs,
organizations and manufaturers. Now I need your help. Through this post,
I am asking for URL submissions which you think should be included in
the appropriate ODP categories. Connections and information about our
hobby, whether scanning, CB, ham radio, mediumwave, shortwave, TV/VHF
DX, like it or not, is more and more web dependent.

The ODP Arts/Radio/Shortwave URL is:

Please visit this URL and look through the categories and sub
categories. If you have a web page which should be included there, or
you know of a web page, which should be included, please take a moment
to submit the URL. It would be helpful to me and other editors, if you
ensure that the URL being submitted is in the appropriate category.
Please do not send me this information directly, rather go to the
appropropriate category and subit the URL there.

Any questions or suggestions about categories should be directed to me
privately at: funk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks for your consideration, and assistance, which I'm sure is

Werner Funkenhauser
Editor: ODXA Mediumwave Notebook
The WHAMLOG Page: http://home.inforamp.net/~funk
ODP volunteer editor
This is a message from Werner Funkenhauser <funk@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
to hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe hard-core-dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
For more information, please check http://www.kotalampi.com/hard-core-dx/
or email Risto Kotalampi, risto@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx