[HCDX]: mini bandscan Africa
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[HCDX]: mini bandscan Africa


in spite of some atmospheric noise the following African stations were
heard here tonight, some of them in very good quality:

ZIMBABWE: 4828 ZBC Harare in E with news and very nice African music, ID,
very good signal, 1802-1830, 12 Nov 99

TANZANIA: 11734.1  R. Tanzania Zanzibar in Swahili with speech and Taarab
music, ID, very good signal, 1830-1915, 12 Nov 99 (slight QRM from strong R.
Pilipinas on adjacent channel)

CONGO:  5985 RTVC Brazzaville (presumed) with nonstop African music (under
Ukraine on same frequency - is this their new winter frequency?), 1840-1850,
12 Nov 99

73, Enzio

P.D.  My antennas luckily survived a severe thunderstorm last night with
gales exceeding 100 km/h and extremely heavy rainfall of 300 liters per
sq.m.. My neighbor's wall came down and half of our town is flooded!

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