Re: [HCDX]: Vanuatu
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Re: [HCDX]: Vanuatu

>Hi guys,
>really exotic tunes this morning from Radio Vanuatu: I thought I was on the
>wrong frequency when I heard them playing songs like "Viva EspaƱa" and
>pasodobles (they must have Spanish week or something). The yellow bird
>interval signal and the news at 0700 confirmed that this came indeed from

Hi Enzio,
yes, you are really lucky in Spain these days, because there is a grey line
between your country and Vanuatu for about 20 minutes (around 0700 UTC).
When the Sun is coming up in your area, at the same time it is sinking in
the Vanuatu part of the Pacific. My PC program told me that, but he also
told me, that my country is not within the grey line area - what is a pity,
of course.


Karel Honzik,
the Czech Republic

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