[HCDX]: DR Radio News in English
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[HCDX]: DR Radio News in English

Dear Friends,

This is to let you know that starting Monday, Jan. 3, you can hear the News
in English from DR Radio Monday to Friday in Real Audio, and if you can hear
our medium transmitter on 1062 kHz you can also hear the news bulletin
direct at 07.40 UT (also on 243 kHz LW!), 10.00 UT, 16.10 UT and 21.00 UT.

More info and the RA link:

- here you can also find out about DR News International's broadcasts in
Arabic, Somali, South Slavic, Turkish, Urdu and Arabic - all on 1062 kHz +
Real Audio.

Happy new Year 2000,

Erik Koie, DR Radio  ehk@xxxxx
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